Daughter of Light
1. I feel the light
That my Savior gives me
Like a thousand fireflies.
Inside my heart,
His love is burning,
And I will keep that flame alive.
I’m a daughter of Light.
Darkness may surround me,
But I’ll shine through the night
Like a northern star.
And I’ll point every heart
Towards my Savior.
He is my guide.
I am a daughter of Light.
2. I’ll take this love
And magnify the beauty
Like a lighthouse by the sea.
And like the moon
That reflects the sun rays.
They will see His love in me.
I’m a daughter of Light.
Darkness may surround me,
But I’ll shine through the night
Like a northern star.
And I’ll point every heart
Towards my Savior.
He is my guide.
I am a daughter of Light.
I’m a daughter of Light.
Darkness may surround me,
But I’ll shine through the night
Like a northern star.
And I’ll point every heart
Towards my Savior.
He is my guide.
I am a daughter of Light.
Words and music by Nik Day
Arranged by Gavin McMahan, Mitch Davis, and Nik Day
Produced by Gavin McMahan and Mitch Davis
Artist: Ellie Barry
Producer: Mitch Davis and Gavin McMahan
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.