“How do I use custom collections?” User Guide (2014)
“How do I use custom collections?” User Guide
How do I use custom collections?
Custom collections are study materials that you have organized in one place. They could be related to your calling or what you are currently studying. By default a custom collection named “Favorites” is created for you, which you can modify or change as you like.
To create a custom collection:
Go to the Library screen.
Tap the Edit button.
Tap on the + button.
Name your collection.
To add items to your custom collection:
From the Library screen, find the item you want to add to your custom collection.
Tap the Edit button.
Select the item you want to add to your custom collection. It will turn blue, and a check mark will appear.
Tap the Add to … button.
Tap the collection you want to add it to.
To remove items from a custom collection:
On the Library screen, go to your custom collection.
Tap the Edit button.
Tap the item you want to remove. It will turn blue and a check mark will appear.
Tap the Remove button.
Tap Remove again to confirm.
The item has been removed from the collection, but it remains in your library.
To remove a custom collection:
Go to the Library screen.
Tap the Edit button.
Tap on the custom collection you want to remove. It will turn blue and a check mark will appear.
Tap Remove in the lower left corner of the screen.
Tap Remove again to confirm.
The custom collection is permanently deleted. Items within the collection can still be found in your library.