Mission Callings
Missionary Organization

Missionary Organization

Stake President

The stake president is your ecclesiastical leader during your mission, sets the spiritual and behavioral expectations, and conducts worthiness interviews throughout your mission.

He may delegate the responsibility to help oversee your mission service to one of his counselors, a high councilor, a stake service mission specialist, or your bishop.

The stake president or the priesthood leader he designates will provide guidance and support during your mission. This person conducts regular interviews to assist with your well-being and progress, counsel about life skills development, and review your missionary experience. Bring this handbook to the interviews. During these interviews, discuss your testimony of the Savior.

Also report on your service accomplishments, personal development, gospel study, and adherence to the mission guidelines in this handbook.

Service Mission Leaders

An Area Seventy, under the direction of the Area Presidency, will call service mission leaders (usually a Church-service missionary couple) to help oversee the mission experience for each service missionary.

Missionary Conduct

Strive to serve the Lord according to the highest standards of obedience and conduct. Keep your words, thoughts, and actions in harmony with the message of His gospel. Dating is not permitted for service missionaries. Righteous conduct will influence your effectiveness as a missionary and your personal salvation. Your conduct also affects the trust and confidence others have in you. Conduct yourself at all times in such a way that everyone who sees you will recognize you as a representative of Jesus Christ.


You may serve in more than one place. At each location, you will report to a supervisor who will provide the training, tools, and support you need to fulfill your responsibilities.

Arrive at your place of assignment on time and prepared to serve well. Be reliable and dependable. Follow directions from your supervisors carefully and completely. Do your best to contribute in meaningful ways to the work and to be a positive and uplifting influence on those with whom you serve. Work safely and always strive to improve.


Language is one of your most powerful tools. Be conscious of how you speak, and strive for humility, dignity, and simplicity in your language. When praying, express your respect for Heavenly Father by using the proper language of prayer (“Thee,” “Thou,” “Thine,” and so on). Always pray using words that show love and reverence.

Also express respect for others by the way you refer to them. Refer to other missionaries as “Elder” or “Sister,” followed by their surnames. Address those with whom you work by their proper names, not by nicknames or surnames alone. Address your group and Church leaders by their titles, such as “President,” “Bishop,” “Brother,” “Elder,” or “Sister.”