Mission Callings
Service Missionary Appearance

Service Missionary Appearance

Appropriate dress and grooming will help you earn respect and trust. Your appearance is often the first message others receive about you, and it should support what you say and do. Wear clothing that is consistent with your sacred calling.

elders in suits

Keep yourself neat and clean. Shower or bathe daily. Use deodorant. Keep your clothes clean, mended, and wrinkle free. Never allow your appearance or behavior to draw attention away from your calling.

Maintain a high standard of modesty. Avoid clothing that:

  • Is too tight or too loose.

  • Is sheer or revealing in any way.

  • Draws attention to any part of the body.

  • Is wrinkled, sloppy, or faddish.

sisters in dresses

Some service missionaries serve in assignments where dresses or suits and ties are not appropriate. Missionaries should wear clothing that is appropriate for their assignments.

Show respect for the Lord and yourself by dressing appropriately for Church meetings and activities, especially sacrament meeting.


Hair. Wash your hair frequently and keep it relatively short and evenly tapered. Extreme or faddish styles, such as spiked, permed, or bleached hair, are not appropriate. Sideburns should reach no lower than the middle of the ear. You should shave every day.

Jewelry. Do not wear earrings or necklaces. Nose rings and body piercings are not acceptable. If you have tattoos, they should be covered.

Clothing. Choose traditional business-style clothing in conservative colors. Always wear a white shirt with a tie that is simple in color and design and professional in style. Ties should not have pictures or caricatures.


Hair. Wash your hair frequently. The style, color, and length of your hair should be attractive and easy to manage and should not call attention to itself.

Clothing. Keep your clothes clean, mended, and ironed. Plan and purchase your clothing carefully. It should be attractive, colorful, conservative in style, and tailored to fit well. Choose colors and patterns that you can mix and match with a variety of outfits.

Do not wear clothing with low necklines. Sleeves should fully cover the shoulder and the upper portion of the arm, including the underarm. Shirts with cap sleeves should not be worn alone, but they may be worn under blouses or tops.

Skirts should cover the entire knee (front and back) when you are standing or sitting. Slits should not be above the knee when standing or sitting.

Shoes. Shoes should be practical, comfortable, and attractive. For safety purposes, wear closed-toe and closed-heel shoes. Flat-soled shoes are preferred. Wear dress shoes for Sunday meetings.

Accessories. For safety and security reasons, jewelry and other accessories should be simple and professional. Do not wear more than one earring in each ear. Nose rings and body piercings are not acceptable. If you have tattoos, they should be covered. Makeup, hair adornments, and nail polish should also be conservative.

Missionary Badge

It is an honor and a privilege to wear the missionary badge. Always wear it while you are at your missionary assignment and at Church meetings. Do not wear it at other times.

Temple Garment

(For those who are endowed)

Wearing the temple garment is the sacred privilege of those who have taken upon themselves the covenants of the temple. The garment is a constant reminder of these covenants. When properly worn, it provides protection against temptation and evil.

Endowed members should wear the garment night and day, according to the instructions given in the endowment. You should not adjust the garment or wear it contrary to instructions in order to fit different styles of clothing, even when such clothing may be generally accepted. Both pieces of the two-piece garment should always be worn.

You should not remove the garment, either entirely or partially, for activities that can reasonably be done with the garment worn properly under the clothing. Nor should you remove it to lounge around at home. When you must remove the garment, you should put it back on as soon as possible.

The garment should never be left on the floor. When garments need to be washed, they should be placed in a laundry basket or bag until they can be properly washed and dried.

As you carefully follow these principles, you will be guided by the Holy Spirit in considering your personal commitment to wear the garment. This sacred covenant is between you and the Lord. The proper wearing of the garment is an outward expression of your inner commitment to follow the Savior Jesus Christ.

Salt Lake City temple