“You Are a Precious Child of God,” Personal Development: Youth Guidebook (2019)
“You Are a Precious Child of God,” Personal Development: Youth Guidebook
You Are a Precious Child of God
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created all things, know all things, and have overcome all things. And They want you to be like Them! As you make covenants and follow God’s plan, you can use your unique gifts to grow and to serve others.
You came to earth from heaven. You are part of a family.
You covenant to follow Jesus Christ when you are baptized and when you take the sacrament.
When you are confirmed, you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide you.
You can participate in God’s work and serve in the Church under the authority of priesthood keys.
You can learn and grow as you study, live, and share the gospel.
You can find joy when you love and serve others as Jesus would.
Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to serve as the perfect example and make it possible for you to repent and change.
In the temple, you can serve and make covenants that connect God’s children forever.