Revelation 1–5

Revelation 1–5


What thoughts come to mind when you think about the book of Revelation? The Apostle John, who wrote the book, declared, “Blessed are they who read, and they who hear and understand the words of this prophecy” (Joseph Smith Translation, Revelation 1:3 [in the Bible appendix]). In the book of Revelation, you will find rich symbolism and imagery that will teach you about Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father’s plan, and the Second Coming of the Savior. You will also see how Jesus Christ and His followers rise triumphant above Satan and the kingdoms of men. Written to the seven churches in Asia during a time of severe persecution, the book of Revelation can help you faithfully overcome the difficulties of the last days and prepare for the Savior’s return.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson:

Revelation 1

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students understand some of the symbolism in the book of Revelation and what it can teach them about Jesus Christ.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to read “Revelation of John” in the Guide to the Scriptures, available at, and come prepared to share what they are interested in learning about and why.

  • Content to display: The image of Jesus among the candles

  • Handout: Prepare sufficient copies of the handout “Symbols in John’s Vision” for students.

Revelation 2–3, Part 1

Lesson purpose: This lesson can encourage students to hear the Savior’s voice acknowledging their good works and giving them needed correction.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to identify which areas of their lives they feel the Savior might be pleased with. As part of this invitation, students could pray and ask Heavenly Father to help them see what they are doing well. They could also ask their parents to help them.

  • Object or image to display: Prepare to display the image Jesus at the Door (Gospel Art Book [2009], no. 65) and the map of the seven churches.

  • Video:Mrs. Patton—the Story Continues” (16:09; watch from time code 15:08 to 15:55)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: As students search for the good works that John noticed the seven churches did and the correction he gave them, invite students to type what they find into the chat. After sufficient time, ask the class to search the chat and select one insight from a classmate that they would like to discuss in greater detail. The student who posted the insight could be asked to explain what he or she wrote. Ask questions to help the class discuss the relevance of the selected topic.

Revelation 2–3, Part 2

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students feel an increased desire to overcome challenges and receive the blessings the Savior promises to give.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to ask a family member or trusted friend to share an experience with them when they have overcome an obstacle with the Savior’s help.

  • Video:You Can Gather Israel!” (10:53; watch from time code 4:48 to 5:22)

  • Content to display: Consider displaying the chart with the scripture references and the definitions listed under the chart. It may also be helpful to display the options found in the study activity on overcoming for students to choose from.

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: It could be helpful to create a slide presentation or use other means to display the definitions for the scripture-searching activity and the study options for the final activity. Consider playing uplifting music while students complete these two activities.

Revelation 5

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students increase their desire to worship Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with more love and sincerity.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to talk with a family member or Church leader about what it means to worship Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

  • Video:The Blessings of Worship” (11:28; watch from time code 3:34 to 4:45 and from 8:54 to 11:14)

  • Content to display: The statement by Bishop Dean M. Davies and, if desired, the five questions listed at the end of the lesson.

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: It may be helpful to display the statement by Bishop Dean M. Davies while students discuss what they learn about worship from the quote.

Doctrinal Mastery Review 24

Lesson purpose: This lesson will give students opportunities to practice applying some of the doctrinal mastery passages to a variety of realistic situations.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to use the Doctrinal Mastery app or other methods to practice memorizing the New Testament doctrinal mastery references and key scripture phrases. Ask them to come to class prepared to share one passage they have had experiences applying.

  • Content to display: The handout entitled “New Testament Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Corinthians–Revelation”

  • Videos:Teachings of Thomas S. Monson: Rescuing Those in Need” (5:01; watch from time code 0:30 to 5:01)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: When students share scenarios, they could be invited to post them using the chat function. The class could then be invited to read the scenarios, find doctrinal mastery passages that apply to the scenarios, and explain how they apply.