Additional Callings
Getting Started

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Technology Specialist (2021)

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Technology Specialist

My Calling as a Technology Specialist

Getting Started

church building exterior

Congratulations on your calling as a technology specialist. Your role in supporting technology use in your ward or stake is vital in spreading the gospel message and strengthening the Latter-day Saints. When members, missionaries, and leaders have reliable access to and support for Church technology resources, they can worship, instruct, and minister to the needs of those they serve more effectively.

Thank you for being willing to serve. As you prayerfully prepare yourself to provide technical help, you will find great joy and satisfaction in the service you render. This is our Savior’s work, and He will bless you as you seek His guidance in your responsibilities.

You Are Not Alone

You have been called as a technology specialist to support either your ward or stake. Within the stake, there are typically numerous technology specialists who have also been called to serve in their ward or the stake, and you will be able to collaborate and support them in their callings, just as they will help you in your calling.

As a newly called technology specialist, you will likely feel a range of emotions about your responsibilities. Remember that you are not alone. This calling is a partnership with the Lord. As you seek the Lord’s guidance in serving, He will magnify your efforts at home and in your calling. You will feel His love for you, for those you serve, and for their families.

children using tablets

Where to Start

Before You Are Sustained

After you have been called, there will be a short time before your name is presented to the ward congregation(s) where you will be sustained. Here are some things you might do during that time:

  • Counsel with the person who called you about where you should begin.

  • Seek guidance from the Spirit through prayer, scripture study, fasting, and, if possible, temple attendance. Read “Stake and Ward Technology Specialists” in General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 33.10 (Gospel Library), to learn about your responsibilities as a technology specialist. Please note that the technology specialist for the ward does not have the same broad access to technology as the technology specialist for the stake and that the technology specialist for the stake may need to provide support or coordination to the technology specialist for the ward.

  • Begin to familiarize yourself with the content in the Meetinghouse Technology section of the Help Center site at You will find overview materials that will direct you to training, policies, technology articles, details about roles and responsibilities, and troubleshooting guides.

  • View the technology specialist training videos.

After You Are Sustained and Set Apart

With so many responsibilities, remember that your family is your first priority.

  • Continue to pray for guidance about your service.

  • Counsel with the stake presidency or bishopric about your assignments, including any meetings you need to attend.

  • Ensure that the stake or ward clerk updates your calling in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) so you have access to all the tools provided for technology specialists.

  • If possible, talk with other technology specialists to understand more about the technologies to use and specific tasks you will need to perform.

  • Study the information under “Roles and Responsibilities” in the Meetinghouse Technology section of the Help Center site at