“September 28–October 11. 3 Nephi 17–19: ‘Behold, My Joy Is Full,’” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: Book of Mormon 2020 (2020)
“September 28–October 11. 3 Nephi 17–19,” Come, Follow Me—For Primary: 2020
The Light of His Countenance Did Shine upon Them, by Gary L. Kapp
September 28–October 11
3 Nephi 17–19
“Behold, My Joy Is Full”
As you read 3 Nephi 17–19, consider what scriptures, experiences, activities, and stories would help the children understand the truths in these chapters.
Record Your Impressions
Invite Sharing
Show a picture of the Savior, and invite the children to share how they might feel if He were to visit them as He did the Nephites.
Teach the Doctrine: Younger Children
The Savior loves each of Heavenly Father’s children.
Jesus showed His love for the children when He blessed and prayed for them. How can you help the children you teach feel His love for them?
Possible Activities
Summarize the account in 3 Nephi 17 while displaying a picture like the one in this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families. Or you might use “Chapter 44: Jesus Christ Blesses the Children” (Book of Mormon Stories, 124–25, or the corresponding video on ChurchofJesusChrist.org). Read phrases or verses from 3 Nephi 17 that emphasize the Savior’s love for the people (such as verses 7 and 20–25). Let the children take turns holding the picture and telling what Jesus did because He loved the people.
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Use this week’s activity page to help the children draw a picture of themselves with Jesus. As they do, help them think of ways Jesus has shown His love for them.
Behold Your Little Ones, by Gary L. Kapp
I can think about Jesus when I take the sacrament.
There are many things that can distract a child during the sacrament. How can you help the children in your class understand the importance of thinking about the Savior and His love for them during this sacred ordinance?
Possible Activities
Invite the children to tell you what happens during the sacrament. Read verses from the account of Jesus administering the sacrament to the Nephites (see 3 Nephi 18:1–12), and ask the children to stand up when they hear something that is similar to what we do during the sacrament. What does Jesus Christ want us to “remember” or think about during the sacrament? (see 3 Nephi 18:7, 11).
Hum, sing, or play a hymn or Primary song while the children color pictures that can help them remember the Savior during the sacrament (see this week’s activity page). Encourage them to look at these pictures to help them remember Jesus when they partake of the sacrament.
3 Nephi 18:15, 20–21, 24; 19:16–17, 30
Jesus teaches me how to pray.
What do you learn about prayer as you study 3 Nephi 17–19? How might you use what you learn to teach the children how to pray?
Possible Activities
Show pictures of people praying (such as those in “Chapter 46: Jesus Christ Teaches and Prays with the Nephites” in Book of Mormon Stories, 128–30). Invite the children to point out details in the pictures that show that these people are praying. Read 3 Nephi 19:16–17 to explain that Jesus taught us how to pray. Let the children tell you how they feel when they pray.
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Read 3 Nephi 18:21, and invite the children to draw a picture of themselves or their families praying. Encourage the children to invite their families to pray with them.
Sing together a song about prayer, such as “A Child’s Prayer” (Children’s Songbook, 12–13). Invite the children to share what they learn about prayer from the song. Share your testimony of prayer.
Teach the Doctrine: Older Children
The Savior loves Heavenly Father’s children.
President Ezra Taft Benson taught: “I promise you, dear children, that angels will minister unto you also. You may not see them, but they will be there to help you, and you will feel of their presence” (“To the Children of the Church,” Ensign, May 1989, 83).
Possible Activities
Read together some verses from 3 Nephi 17 that you feel will be meaningful to the children you teach. As you read each verse, ask the children to choose a word or phrase that they think is important and then share why those words were meaningful to them. Testify that Jesus loves children very much, and this is why He blessed them and prayed for them.
Invite the children to share how they might have felt if they were among the children whom the Savior blessed. If possible, show the video “My Joy Is Full” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org) to help them imagine this event. What did the Savior do to show His love? What can we do to prepare ourselves to be with Him when He comes again?
As I take the sacrament, I can be filled with the Holy Ghost.
We can learn from 3 Nephi 18 how important the sacrament is to the Savior. How can you help the children feel that it is important to them?
Possible Activities
Help the children read 3 Nephi 18:1–12. What do they learn about the sacrament from these verses? Help them read the sacrament prayers in Doctrine and Covenants 20:77 and 79 and find words and phrases in the prayers that are also found in 3 Nephi 18:1–12. What do these words and phrases mean? How can we prepare to partake of the sacrament? What do we promise, or covenant, to do when we take the sacrament?
Sing together a song about reverence, such as “Reverently, Quietly” (Children’s Songbook, 26). How can reverently taking the sacrament help us feel the Spirit? How does it help us make righteous choices?
3 Nephi 18:15–24; 19:6–9, 15–36
Praying will help me be close to Heavenly Father.
We can feel Heavenly Father near us through prayer. What messages about prayer in 3 Nephi 18–19 will help the children you teach improve their prayers?
Possible Activities
Write the following scripture references on pieces of paper, and give them to each child or to small groups of children: 3 Nephi 18:15; 3 Nephi 18:20; 3 Nephi 18:21; 3 Nephi 19:19; and 3 Nephi 19:24. Invite the children to read the scriptures, looking for things Jesus Christ or His disciples taught about prayer. Ask them to report what they learn to the class.
On the board, write I thank thee for . Give the children one minute to think of as many things as they can to fill in the blank. Why is it good for us to express gratitude to Heavenly Father? Then write I ask thee for on the board, and read together 3 Nephi 18:18–21 and 19:9, 23, looking for ideas about what we should pray for.
Share your testimony or a personal experience about the power of prayer, and encourage the children to share their testimonies or experiences.
Encourage Learning at Home
Encourage the children to talk to their parents or other family members about how they can have a more meaningful experience with the sacrament next Sunday.
Improving Our Teaching
Help young children learn from the scriptures. To help young children learn from the scriptures, focus on a single verse of scripture or even just a key phrase. You might invite the children to stand up when they hear a specific word or phrase.