Old Testament 2022
April 4–10. Exodus 14–17: “Stand Still, and See the Salvation of the Lord”

“April 4–10. Exodus 14–17: ‘Stand Still, and See the Salvation of the Lord,’” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022 (2021)

“April 4–10. Exodus 14–17,” Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: 2022

Red Sea

The Red Sea

April 4–10

Exodus 14–17

“Stand Still, and See the Salvation of the Lord”

God commanded Moses to write about his experiences “for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it” to Joshua (Exodus 17:14). Similarly, recording your spiritual experiences will help you and your loved ones remember the Lord’s goodness.

Record Your Impressions

The Israelites were trapped. The Red Sea was on one side, and the army of Pharaoh was advancing on the other. Their escape from Egypt, it seemed, would be short-lived. But God had a message for the Israelites that He wanted them to remember for generations: “Fear ye not. … The Lord shall fight for you” (Exodus 14:13–14).

Since that time, when God’s people have needed faith and courage, they have often turned to this account of Israel’s miraculous deliverance. When Nephi wanted to inspire his brothers, he said, “Let us be strong like unto Moses; for he truly spake unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided hither and thither, and our fathers came through, out of captivity, on dry ground” (1 Nephi 4:2). When King Limhi wanted his captive people to “lift up [their] heads, and rejoice,” he reminded them of this same story (Mosiah 7:19). When Alma wanted to testify to his son of God’s power, he also referred to this story (see Alma 36:28). And when we need deliverance—when we need a little more faith, when we need to “stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord”—we can remember how “the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians” (Exodus 14:13, 30).

personal study icon

Ideas for Personal Scripture Study

Exodus 14

God has the power to deliver me.

As you read Exodus 14:1–10, imagine how the Israelites might have felt as they saw Pharaoh’s army closing in. Perhaps you feel that you need a miracle to survive a difficult challenge you are facing. What do you learn from Exodus 14:13–31 that can help you seek God’s deliverance in your life? What have you learned about the ways God provides deliverance from adversity? Ponder how you have seen His delivering power in your life.

See also Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–3; L. Tom Perry, “The Power of Deliverance,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 94–97; Bible Maps, no. 2, “Israel’s Exodus from Egypt and Entry into Canaan.”

Exodus 15:22–27

The Lord can make bitter things sweet.

As you read in Exodus 15:22–27 about Israel’s journeyings toward the promised land, think about things in your life that have seemed “bitter” like the waters of Marah. Consider the following questions as you ponder these verses: How can the Lord make bitter things in your life sweet? What value have these experiences had in your life? What do verses 26 and 27 suggest about how the Lord blesses us when we hearken to His voice?

Exodus 15:23–27; 16:1–15; 17:1–7

I can trust the Lord, even during difficult times.

It’s tempting to be critical of the Israelites because they murmured or complained when their circumstances became difficult, even after everything God had done for them. But as you read Exodus 15:23–27; 16:1–15; 17:1–7, consider whether you have ever done the same thing. What do you learn from the Israelites’ experiences that can help you murmur less and trust more completely in God? For example, what differences do you notice about the way the Israelites responded to difficulties and the way Moses responded? What do these verses teach you about God?

See also 1 Nephi 2:11–12; “Sin of Murmuring” (video), ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


Sin of Murmuring

woman collecting manna

Manna from God fed Israel physically; we also need daily spiritual nourishment. Fresco by Leopold Bruckner

Exodus 16

I should seek daily spiritual nourishment.

There are many spiritual lessons we can learn from the miracle of the manna, found in Exodus 16. Notice the detailed instructions the Israelites were given about how to gather, use, and preserve the manna (see Exodus 16:16, 19, 22–26). What do you find in these instructions that applies to you as you daily seek spiritual nourishment?

See also John 6:31–35, 48–58 and the videos “Daily Bread: Pattern,” “Daily Bread: Experience,” and “Daily Bread: Change” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org).


Daily Bread: Pattern


Daily Bread: Experience


Daily Bread: Change

Exodus 17:1–7

Jesus Christ is my spiritual rock and living water.

Think about the Savior as you read Exodus 17:1–7. How is Jesus Christ like a rock to you? (see Psalm 62:6–7; Helaman 5:12). How is He like water? (see John 4:10–14; 1 Corinthians 10:1–4; 1 Nephi 11:25).

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Ideas for Family Scripture Study and Home Evening

Exodus 14:13–22.Your family members might enjoy trying to “divide” the water in a bowl or a bathtub, as Moses divided the Red Sea. Help them understand that the Red Sea could not be divided without the power of God. How have we seen God’s power in our lives and the lives of our ancestors?

Exodus 15:1–21.After miraculously crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites sang a song of praise known as the song of Moses, found in Exodus 15:1–21. As a family, search these verses for phrases that testify of what God did for the Israelites and other meaningful phrases. Then you could sing a hymn that reminds your family of what God has done for you.

Exodus 16:1–5; 17:1–7.Reading Exodus 16:1–5 and 17:1–7 could lead to a discussion about the Savior as the Bread of Life, as Living Water, and as our Rock. How do these stories remind us of what Jesus Christ does for us? As part of your discussion, you might read John 4:10–14; 6:29–35, 48–51; Helaman 5:12; Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79.

Exodus 17:8–16.You might act out the story of Aaron and Hur holding up the hands of Moses and discuss how this could symbolize how we sustain those whom God has called to lead us. You might also contrast the example of Aaron and Hur with the Israelites’ murmuring against Moses (described throughout chapters 15–17). What are some ways we can help and sustain our leaders? What blessings come to us and our leaders as we do?

For more ideas for teaching children, see this week’s outline in Come, Follow Me—For Primary.

Suggested song: “Redeemer of Israel,” Hymns, no. 6.

Improving Personal Study

Seek your own spiritual insights. In your personal and family study, do not limit yourself to the verses highlighted in these study outlines. The Lord likely has messages for you in these chapters that are not emphasized here. Prayerfully seek for inspiration.

Moses parting Red Sea

Illustration of Moses parting the Red Sea, by Robert T. Barrett