“Families Are Eternal,” Liahona, Jan. 2023.
Gospel Basics
Families Are Eternal
The family is the basic unit of society and the Church. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that families can be eternal. We work to strengthen our families on earth. We also have faith that we can receive the blessing of an eternal family.
The Family of God
All people are spirit sons or daughters of heavenly parents. We are all part of the family of God. We all have a divine nature and destiny. If we live righteously, we can return to live with our Heavenly Father as part of His family forever.
Wedding photograph by Joseph Kaluba
Eternal Families
When a man and a woman are married in the temple and keep their covenants, their marriage will last for eternity. This temple ordinance is called a sealing. Children born after their parents are sealed are born in that covenant. Children born before their parents are sealed can be sealed to them in the temple so they can be a family forever. Church members do family history and temple work so they can seal their families together through all generations. The blessing of an eternal family is made possible because of Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God. The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches husbands and wives to be loyal to one another and faithful in their marriage covenants. They should be true in thought, word, and deed. Marriage is an equal partnership, and spouses should encourage, comfort, and help each other.
Parents and Children
God commanded Adam and Eve to have children. Church leaders have taught that this commandment is still in force. Mothers and fathers work together to raise their children in love and righteousness (see Doctrine and Covenants 68:25–28). Children are taught to honor and obey their parents (see Exodus 20:12).
Teaching and Learning
Parents teach their children to love God and obey His commandments. Family life gives us opportunities to feel joy and learn patience and selflessness. These traits help us become more like God and prepare us to live happily as families forever.
Strengthening Families
It takes work, dedication, and patience to build a successful family. Gospel principles such as faith, prayer, forgiveness, love, work, and wholesome fun can help us find joy in family life. We can also receive personal revelation to know how to strengthen our families.
Christ’s Image, by Heinrich Hofmann
Blessings Available to All
Not everyone has the opportunity to be part of an ideal family here on earth. But God has promised that everyone who keeps His commandments will receive all the blessings of an eternal family. We can trust in Him and have faith in His timing.