Sharing the Gospel
October 2020

“Sharing the Gospel,” Liahona, October 2020

Sharing the Gospel

“Learn of me … and ye shall find rest to your souls” (Matthew 11:29).

Sharing the Gospel

A man I worked for gave me a copy of the Book of Mormon. But I didn’t read it for almost two years. One Sunday, I picked up the Book of Mormon and went to a railroad line outside the town where I lived in Zimbabwe. I sat down and began reading.

At first, it was hard to understand. But I reread Joseph Smith’s testimony over and over again. His words touched my heart.

Later, someone invited me to come to church. At first, I was uncomfortable, so I sat in the back row. But when people started sharing their testimonies about the Savior Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon, I felt something wonderful inside.

Not long after this, missionaries came to my neighborhood. Soon I was baptized. Years later, I had the honor of serving a mission and sharing the gospel with many others.

The Church has grown a lot in Zimbabwe. But there is still much we can do to share the gospel, no matter where we live. Through prayer, scripture study, and home evening, you can grow your testimony and stay close to Heavenly Father. Your testimony can bless the lives of many people throughout the world.
