Family Home Evening Ideas
April 2017

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, April 2017

Family Home Evening Ideas

This issue contains articles and activities that could be used for family home evening. The following are two examples.

Christ with Thomas

“They Saw Him”: What does it mean to be a witness of Christ? After reading the article as a family, you might discuss ways you can be witnesses of Christ even without physically seeing Him. You might think of ideas to draw closer to the Savior like finding opportunities to serve refugees in your community, learning about the Savior’s life during scripture study, babysitting for a couple so that they can attend the temple, or reaching out to a friend in need. You could also watch the video found at mormon.org/easter and ponder the importance of Christ and His Resurrection in our lives.

family at the temple

“Prepare for the Temple Every Day”: Sister Joy D. Jones reminds us of the importance of making the temple a priority in our lives and doing family history to help us prepare to enter. You might consider having a “family history and temple night” for family home evening. You could learn how to index names and search for family records or discuss the importance of temple ordinances and look at pictures of temples around the world. If you live near a temple, you could visit the temple grounds and discuss how temples can bring us closer to Heavenly Father and help us feel His love.
