“Comment,” Liahona, Feb. 2007, 48
Reminder of Covenants
The Liahona magazine helps me become a better person. Every time I read the articles, I feel the love of God and am reminded of the covenant I’ve made with God. The Latter-day Saint Voices section helps me realize that all of us must be tried and tested. I am learning how to be patient in all things. I feel stronger, and I am working on enduring to the end.
Christine Torres Lagunbay, Philippines
The Voice of the Lord
Your articles are very inspiring. I really like the personal experiences. Most of all, I like the messages from the prophet because I know they are the voice of the Lord to us, the youth. I appreciate the articles and like to share them with my friends.
Jackeline Bedoyal, Ecuador
Feast on the Words of the Liahona
As an assignment in school, we were asked to study various magazines and other publications. Though I skipped some of the pages of the other magazines, I read the Liahona cover to cover. It is hard to read only a little, because all the messages, news, and stories are filled with inspiration, instruction, and exhortation for everyone in our family. Any member of the Church who does not feast on the words of the Liahona is missing out on something of great value.
Irene Taniegra, Philippines
A Page-Turner
I read the Liahona from the moment it is delivered until I finish it two hours later. I love everything in it. It provides help for difficult situations and gives us the correct answers to our questions. It is an instrument I need just as much as Lehi and his family did. Elder Quentin L. Cook’s article “In the World but Not of the World” (Feb. 2006) struck me as simply magnificent. I hope all Latter-day Saints will eagerly read what our leaders and the prophet are telling us today through the Liahona.
Héctor Iramain, Argentina
Spiritual Brethren
I obtained your e-mail address from the Russian version of your magazine. I would like to express my gratitude for your magazine and for the missionaries. I have a copy of the Book of Mormon, and I read the Liahona. As I read I find answers to questions about things I do not understand. I believe that a religion that has raised such good people deserves respect and admiration. And while I am a Russian Orthodox Christian, I believe we are spiritual brethren.
Oleg Anatolyevich Yakovlev, Ukraine
Call for Articles
Have you had a good experience sharing the gospel? We invite you to send us your account of what you have done to be a member missionary. Please send your submission (800 words or fewer) by March 15, 2007, to liahona@ldschurch.org or to:
Liahona, Sharing the Gospel
50 E. North Temple St., Rm. 2420
Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA
Please include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and ward and stake name (or branch and district). We will notify authors whose submissions are selected.
Photograph by John Luke, posed by models
Detail from Lehi in the Wilderness Discovers a Divine Compass, by Arnold Friberg, courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art; background © Photospin