“Calm in the Chaos,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2022. Calm in the Chaos By David Dickson; illustrations by Josh Talbot Imagepeople watching television Current Events War Breaks Out Natural Disasters Loom Large Massive Financial Problems Imagedaughter and father doing jigsaw puzzle with old man “Dad, how can you enjoy something as simple as a puzzle when the world is falling apart?” Imagefather and daughter “That’s a mighty sad question from my favorite daughter!” Imagegirl “I’m your only daughter! But, yeah, I sometimes wish I could forget all the scary things I hear and see every day.” Imagefather, daughter, and old man “I learned long ago that universal peace won’t come until the Savior returns. But we can still find personal peace in our lives. Here’s what Elder Cook said about it.” “Personal peace can be achieved despite the anger, contention, and division that blight and corrupt our world today. It has never been more important to seek personal peace.” Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Oct. 2021 general conference (Liahona, Nov. 2021, 90). Imagedaughter and father doing jigsaw puzzle with old man “That makes sense, but how do I go from feeling afraid to feeling peace?” “Do what I do. Turn to the Savior, and solve one piece at a time!”