How do I decide when it’s the best time to serve a mission?
July 2022

“How do I decide when it’s the best time to serve a mission?,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2022.

Questions and Answers

“How do I decide when it’s the best time to serve a mission?”

The Lord Prepares a Way

young woman

“Our Heavenly Father has a work for us to do. When we read His words, and the words of His chosen servants, we can confidently know what He would have us do. We know the Lord will prepare a way for us to accomplish the things He asks us to do (see 1 Nephi 3:7). He will always be there for us if we strive to obey His commandments.”

Manuela O., 15, Ghana

You May Never Feel 100% Ready

young man

“I am a professional surfer, and I put that on hold to experience the true joy that comes from serving a mission. I waited until I felt I was truly ready to go, and I have been blessed for it. It’s a decision between you and your Father in Heaven. You may never feel 100% ready. Submitting your mission papers will always be a leap of faith, but it’s so worth it.”

Jordan C., 22, California, USA

The Lord Will Prepare and Empower You

“You can always ask the Lord in prayer. The Lord empowers those whom He calls to be missionaries. When my father died, I was comforted by my testimony of the plan of salvation. But there are many people in this world who still don’t know about Heavenly Father’s plan. I know the Lord is preparing people for me to teach.”

Felipe F., 17, Brazil

Write Down Promptings

young woman

“When I prayed about serving a mission, I wrote down promptings I received from talks, music, or friends. When I felt discouraged while preparing for my mission, I would go back and read the things the Spirit had told me. I turned in my papers and trusted in the Lord. When you move forward with faith, you don’t know how it’s going to work out, but you will notice God’s hand in your decision making!”

Bryanna M., 19, Oregon, USA

Receive Your Patriarchal Blessing

young woman

“Ever since I received my patriarchal blessing, I’ve known that I should share the gospel. I’m preparing for a mission now by sharing the gospel with my friends. Even if I feel that serving a full-time mission isn’t right for me once I’m older, I still know that I can share the gospel my entire life.”

Elise D., 14, Florida, USA

Ask the Lord and Others

“I may only be 14 years old, but I have been pondering this question myself. When the time comes for me to decide when I should serve, I will pray to the Lord to help me find my answer. I will also talk to the people who are closest to me, including my family, bishop, and friends.”

Jordan V., 14, Nevada, USA

The Lord Will Give You an Answer

“I have always had a desire to serve a mission, but I know it’s not an easy decision. If we diligently seek to study the scriptures and always pray to Heavenly Father, I know He will guide us. Trust the Lord. He will tell you the right time for you to serve a mission. Keep seeking an answer, and you will receive it and feel ready.”

Nicolle R., 14, Brazil

Prepare Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically

“Pray sincerely and ponder the scriptures about your decision. Be open to what the Spirit may whisper or tell you. And in the meantime, you can attend all sacrament meetings, seminary, Sunday school classes, and Young Women classes or Aaronic Priesthood quorum meetings. You can also prepare mentally and physically.”

Addison H., 14, Utah, USA