Happy Nathan
November 1998

“Happy Nathan,” Friend, Nov. 1998, 33

Happy Nathan

Nathan ate his breakfast and smiled. Mother kept thanking Heavenly Father. She thanked Him for morning, for sunshine, for a blue sky.

“Mother, you thanked Heavenly Father three times!” he giggled.

“Three times? No wonder I’m happy. Thanking Heavenly Father for His gifts makes me very happy!”

Nathan stared at Mother. Her eyes sparkled; her lips curved up. She was happy! “I want to be happy, too!” he cried.

“Thank Heavenly Father, and you will be happy!” Mother told him.

“OK.” Nathan thanked Heavenly Father for the birds he heard chirping in the bush near the kitchen window. He smiled. Mother was right! Thanking Heavenly Father did make him happy!

The rest of the morning he thanked Heavenly Father for many things: the backyard with the swing in it; the apple tree that had pretty white blossoms now, and later would have good apples; Grandma’s dog, Lady; kittens and fish; the moon and stars; his playmates, Tom and Chris; and his new bike. Nathan was very, very happy!

At noon Mother said, “Lunchtime, happy Nathan!”

Nathan laughed. He was happy! He was hungry, too. And when he bowed his head to thank Heavenly Father for the good food, Nathan also said, “And I thank Thee for making me happy!”

Illustrated by Julie F. Young
