King Benjamin
January 1982

“King Benjamin,” Friend, Jan. 1982, 28

King Benjamin

Adapted from Book of Mormon Stories for Beginning Readers (PBIC0325)

1 Because the multitude was so great, King Benjamin caused a tower to be erected upon which he could stand and speak. And his words were written and sent forth to all. He urged the people to love and serve each other. (Mosiah 2:8, 17.)

2 King Benjamin promised the people that God would greatly bless them, and all that He required of them was “to keep his commandments.” (Mosiah 2:22.)

3 Then he told them that Jesus Christ would come “down from heaven among the children of men, and” dwell among them. (Mosiah 3:5.)

4 And that He would work “mighty miracles.” (Mosiah 3:5.)

5 King Benjamin also told the people that wicked men would scourge (whip) Jesus Christ and then crucify Him. (Mosiah 3:9.)

6 “And,” King Benjamin continued, “he shall rise the third day from the dead.” (Mosiah 3:10.)

7 When he had finished speaking, King Benjamin saw that the wicked Nephites had fallen to the earth because they were so afraid. (Mosiah 4:1.)

8 “And they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: O have mercy, … for we believe in Jesus Christ.” (Mosiah 4:2.)

9 Then “the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy.” (Mosiah 4:3.)

10 The people promised that they were “willing to enter into a covenant with … God to do his will.” (Mosiah 5:5.)

11 Then King Benjamin concluded, “And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ.” (Mosiah 5:7.)