Unanswered Prayers
January 2017

“Unanswered Prayers,” Ensign, January 2017

Friend Connection

Unanswered Prayers

Learn how the Friend magazine can help your family understand a different sensitive topic each month.

Friend Connection article

“Why aren’t my prayers being answered?” It’s a question that many of us have probably wondered about. It can be a particularly confusing question for children who are still learning about the relationship between prayer and principles like obedience, faith, and Heavenly Father’s will. Two articles from this month’s Friend can help you start a family conversation of your own about this sensitive topic.

“Answers from an Apostle” (page 12)

Short quotes from Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles answer the question “Will Heavenly Father always answer my prayers?” On the next page, there’s a short story about Elder Oaks’s father getting sick and dying when Dallin was seven years old. Has your family had any similar situations? Talk about how your family can find peace even when heartfelt prayers aren’t answered with happy endings.

“Don’t Forget to Pray for Erik” (page 36)

This story is about a family praying for a son who has distanced himself from the Church. You could use the same backpack analogy to explain that agency plays a central role in what happens when we pray for others.
