April 2013

“Contents,” Ensign, Apr. 2013, 1–3

Contents April 2013

Volume 43 • Number 4

Do You Have a Story to Tell?

We welcome donated submissions showing the gospel of Jesus Christ at work in your life. Please submit articles through ensign.lds.org, or send them to Ensign Editorial, 50 E. North Temple St., Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-0024, USA. On each submission, please include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and the name of your ward and stake (or branch and district). Authors whose work is selected for publication will be notified.

On the Cover

Front: Photo illustration by Tim Taggart © IRI. Back: Photo illustration by Matthew Reier. Inside front cover: Photograph by Kristine Šumska.
