October 2008

“Comments,” Ensign, Oct. 2008, 80


Online Outreach

Regarding Elder Ballard’s article, “Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet” (Ensign, July 2008, 58): I was a convert of about a year in 1994 when the Internet was only beginning to emerge. I found a number of postings about the Church, but to my surprise, most of them were hostile. I could not remain silent. I composed one of the first pages I ever posted to the Internet. It talked simply about how I had grown up in a secular family with Jewish roots and how the example of a colleague at work brought the Spirit in such a way that I began exploring the gospel myself. I told of how an experience with the Holy Ghost during a moment of deep trial left such a profound impression that my testimony became firmly rooted. I concluded by bearing my testimony.

Reactions were varied and came from all over the world. The most remarkable was from a writer in Utah who was prompted to explore the restored gospel and who was baptized and confirmed five years almost to the day after my own baptism.

Sander J. Rabinowitz

Tennessee, USA

Young Singles

I felt strongly that I needed to thank the writers and editors for following inspiration to create an Ensign issue (August 2008) that addresses so perfectly the needs, concerns, and feelings of young single adults in the Church. The article “Single and Steadfast” (p. 20) was so in tune to what I am feeling right now as a 26-year-old woman; it was insightful, sensitive, and accurate. Thank you most sincerely.

Jean Marie Place

South Carolina, USA

Making of the Magazines

I just wanted to thank you for the great article on the production of Church magazines (July 2008 issue). I have always wondered about the process of getting the Ensign into our homes. I also loved learning about the production of the Liahona and the extensive translating efforts that go into making that publication. Great piece. Thanks!

Meagan Alder

Maryland, USA

Word to the Wise

Thank you so much for the article “Cancer, Nutrition, and the Word of Wisdom” (Ensign, July 2008, 42). I think it is a very important topic for the Church at this time, when so many health issues (many caused by poor diet) are becoming prevalent, in North America and Europe especially. Please continue to publish more Word of Wisdom-promoting articles. Our health and spirituality are interrelated.

Faith Goimarac

Arizona, USA


In the September Ensign, a byline was inadvertently omitted. The Random Sampler article on page 67 titled “Helping Children Remember Him” was written by Amanda Noll of Washington.
