Strengthening Aaronic Priesthood Quorums
February 1999

“Strengthening Aaronic Priesthood Quorums,” Ensign, Feb. 1999, 72

Strengthening Aaronic Priesthood Quorums

In an address commemorating the restoration of the priesthood, President Gordon B. Hinckley observed: “The Lord God of heaven organized His priesthood into quorums. These are superior to any organization created by men. They come of the genius of God. We are so organized to support and sustain one another, to build and strengthen one another, to multiply our individual capacities in service to others, and to coordinate our individual strengths to move forward the kingdom of God in the earth” (satellite fireside, 6 May 1990).

Aaronic Priesthood quorums provide opportunities for service, for building unity and brotherhood, and for receiving instruction in gospel doctrines and priesthood duties (see Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2 [1998], 177).

Bishoprics can help Aaronic Priesthood quorums fulfill these purposes by following these guidelines:

  • Work closely with the young men’s parents, helping the parents teach their sons to obey the commandments and honor their priesthood.

  • Call exemplary young men to serve as quorum presidents or assistants.

  • Attend quorum presidency meetings regularly.

  • Instruct quorum leaders in their leadership duties.

  • Attend Sunday quorum meetings and ensure that they are effective in preparing young men for priesthood service, instructing them in priesthood duties (such as gathering fast offerings, administering the sacrament, and participating in home teaching), teaching gospel principles, conducting quorum business (such as organizing reactivation efforts), and building unity.

  • Use quorum instruction to help young men understand and apply the principles outlined in the mission of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Each young man should be able to say proudly, “I belong to a priesthood quorum.” To that end, bishoprics need to help quorum officers “see that [their] quorum provides the strength of brotherhood which is needed by every member. Help the quorum be what the Lord intended it should be, a body of men who support and sustain one another, who know their duty and do it, [and] who love the Lord and walk in His ways” (satellite fireside, 6 May 1990).

Photo by Steve Tregeagle
