“Contents,” Ensign, Feb. 1996, 1 Ensign February 1996 Volume 26 Number 2 Contents First Presidency Message: “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe”President Gordon B. Hinckley Couple Missionaries—“A Wonderful Resource”Interview with Elder David B. Haight Tommy and the Gumball MachineJean Kitch Ashby “O How Great the Plan of Our God!”Elder Gary J. Coleman Helping Families Grow in the Gospel Once Children Grow UpGarth A. Hanson Temple Square’s Early Warm WelcomeH. Wallace Goddard Puerto Rico’s Joyful SaintsLaRene Porter Gaunt Letting Go and Trusting Heavenly FatherSharon Bradley On Bended Knee Discerning Answers to Our PrayersGrant E. Barton Watering Our Neighbor’s LawnMarilynne Linford Mormon JournalI Spoke Out for Faith Nina Bazarskaya, as told to Valerie ParkerWhy Did I Wait? Lorna W. GoodmanForty-four Friends in the Temple José OjedaWould I Have the Faith to Sustain This Man? Susan Fairbanks HorneThe Little Gray Envelope Kim HofhiensThe Gate Lee Christensen I Have a QuestionWhy Nephi was commanded to slay Laban Rodney TurnerMeaning of the word satyr Stephen RicksFinding accurate information on nutrition Mark J. Rowe Under the AfghanJan Murray Smith Portraits The Visiting Teacher: “A Mighty Power of Healing” Random Sampler News of the Church On the cover: Front: photo by Peggy Jellinghausen; back: photo by Jerry Garns. Inside front cover: Enos Praying, by Robert T. Barrett, oil on canvas, 24″ x 16″, 1981. Inside back cover: Genesis of Repentance: Realization, by Wilson Jay Ong, oil on canvas, 30″ x 40″, 1992, Courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art.