Sabbath Day
March 1983

“Sabbath Day,” Ensign, Mar. 1983, 55

Sabbath Day


(Unison or SATB)

Joel Hills Johnson Music Contest First Place Hymn

In sweet remembrance of thy Son

We gather in thy house as one

To join in prayer, to sing thy praise,

To worship thee and learn thy ways.

Father, on this the Sabbath day

Be with us gathered here we pray.

And may our thoughts still turn to thee

With loved ones, friends, and family.

In all we do, till day is gone

May worship still continue on.

Father, on this the Sabbath day

Be with us in our homes we pray.

Help each to seek a quiet hour

To read thy word and feel thy pow’r,

To hear thy voice, though small and still,

Renew our strength to do thy will.

Father, on this the Sabbath day

Be with us in our hearts we pray.

(This hymn was written for the Sunday meeting schedule, which encourages worship at home as well as at Church.)

Copyright © 1983 by Lynn R. Carson and Paul L. Anderson. All rights reserved. Making copies of this music for use within the Church is permitted. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Music, Sabbath Day
