What is the position of the Church concerning older persons and couples going on missions?
March 1975

“What is the position of the Church concerning older persons and couples going on missions?” Ensign, Mar. 1975, 31

We are a recently retired couple and are interested in the re-emphasized missionary thrust of the Church. We haven’t heard lately of any older couples going on a mission from our area. What is the desire and position of the Church concerning older persons and couples going on missions?

President Hartman Rector, Jr., First Council of the Seventy

Couples render invaluable service in the mission field, and there is a constant need for missionary couples to be called. However, care should be used in recommending couples.

Missionary work is rigorous and demands good physical health in order to effectively perform the day-to-day work expected from missionaries. If the medical report gives any indication that either husband or wife might not be equal to the demands of fulltime missionary work, then it may be wise to call them to serve as missionaries in the stake or in some other special capacity.

Couples should not be recommended if the call would necessitate them leaving unmarried or dependent children. They should defer fulltime missionary service until such time as they have no dependent children.

Occasionally there is a need for couples to serve in specialized activities such as agricultural missionaries or Health Services missionaries. In these cases, it is still necessary that they have good physical health and are able to carry on vigorous proselyting activity. It is also necessary that in these special missionary callings the couples would be prepared and able to perform regular proselyting work when called upon to do so.

Again we want to emphasize that there is a real need and demand for couples to serve as missionaries. We know that within the wards and branches of the Church are many able-bodied couples with no family responsibilities who could qualify to so serve. We hope that leaders will encourage these husbands and wives to respond to the call and find the real joy of missionary service that many are enjoying at the present time.
