After All
November 1973

“After All,” Ensign, Nov. 1973, inside back cover

After All

One evening my six-year-old granddaughter and I, looking through the family photograph album, came to a photograph that I prize highly—my wedding picture. “Susan,” I said, “this is a picture of your grandpa and me taken soon after our wedding.” After thoughtfully looking at it she remarked, “Grandma, you were brand-new then, weren’t you!”

Mrs. Christina Stacey
Centerville, Utah

My psychology professor, explaining the principle of over-learning, asked if anyone could cite an example of this principle. A recently returned missionary volunteered, “I can. ‘Brother Brown.’”

Mike G. Bradford
Provo, Utah

Six-year-old Mary was telling her non–Latter-day Saint playmate how to behave when the family invited her to church. “You can’t talk at all,” Mary said. “Who’ll stop me?” asked her friend. “The hushers,” Mary replied authoritatively.

Melba Faulkner
Monrovia, California

During the long, cold winter of 1972–73, my young son remarked to me as we drove through the snow-covered countryside, “Dad, I’m going to stop praying for spring to come, and let Heavenly Father do what he wants to do.”

Robert D. West
Ogden, Utah

When our four-year-old daughter was informed that she would have to stay home from Primary because she had a cold, she looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, “I know why I can’t go. I make noises when I breathe—my nose isn’t reverent.”

Reitha C. Benning
Daly City, California

Six-year-old Jamie, fed up with whole wheat bread, cakes, and pastries, exclaimed in disgust when he saw eggs with brown shells for the first time, “Oh, no! Not whole wheat eggs!”

Valerie M. Phipps
Spokane, Washington

Suzy, who was proudly wearing a coat her mother had made, was a little surprised when her Sunday School teacher mentioned that coats were made from wool taken from sheep. “My coat wasn’t made from any sheep’s wool,” she declared. “It was made out of my grandmother’s skirt.”

Mrs. Ruth H. Henrie
Panguitch, Utah

Our young grandchildren had invited some neighborhood friends to play in their new sandbox. Holly, age five, thought that her three-year-old brother was too young to join in with the older children. But after talking it over with her mother, she decided, “He can come. I’ll let him say the opening prayer.”

Mrs. Veryl Kirk Mattson
Salt Lake City, Utah

It was my turn to bless the food at dinner, and I prayed, among other things, “… protect us from harm, and this we say. …” My three-year-old looked up and asked, “Mama, who is ‘Harmon’?”

Arja White
Del Rio, Texas
