The Little Things in the Bigger Picture

30 October 2019

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the tasks we have on our plates. Taking the time to ask ourselves why we are doing them can help us remember the bigger picture our daily tasks are leading us to.

How do I stay motivated?

Try to understand your role in the universe. You didn’t arrive on this earth or get to where you are now without connections or history. You have ancestors who worked hard and had values. You have parents who did their best. And you have a spiritual connection to God, the Creator of the universe. Meditate on that for just a moment: the guidance and assurances from an all-powerful God who loves and cares for you; the sacrifices made by the people who came before you. Think of the hard work it took them to get you to this point. Let this be a motivator for you.

How do I make my everyday tasks more meaningful?

Knowing you were created by God and given life and opportunities by Him, and knowing that the people in your past contribute to who you
are, gives meaning to the menial tasks at hand. Our purpose in this life
is to provide for our families, to make sure their physical, emotional and spiritual needs are taken care of. When we work, we are fulfilling part of why we are here. Our work moves us in a direction that gets us closer to God and gives our children the same opportunity. Create reminders of this and tape them to the wall to keep you motivated and remind you of your purpose in this life. Having this vision of your overall purpose can make everyday tasks seem less mundane

How do I stay on task?

Make a game of tedious tasks, or contemplate meaningful things in your day-to-day life while you work. Listen to inspirational podcasts. Make a list of your tasks and give them each a time frame for completion. Be smart about the order in which you accomplish tasks. Organize your tasks so your time is efficient. Some tasks require more brainpower—do those first. Some require low distractions—turn off phones and close your door so you can focus in peace and quiet. Write down the things that give meaning to your life. When you know you have a family to get home to or a person to help, it gives purpose to your goals.

How do I prioritize?

Looking at your long list of to-dos can get overwhelming. One way to make it easier is to narrow your list down to the three most important things and the three second-most important things you have to accomplish today. Put your main, big-picture goal at the top. Whatever your main goal is, remind yourself of it every day. Prioritizing your time and organizing your smaller goals will bring you one step closer every day to achieving that main goal. Everything has a reason and a purpose.

Remember the ultimate goal

When you keep your commitments to God, you are promised divine assistance. In your list of tasks, remember to include those tasks that help you progress spiritually and practically. Receiving temple ordinances, renewing them frequently, and honoring those covenants will bring you comfort when life is difficult and joy knowing that you are on the path to happiness. Make sure that one of your main goals is this: “What can I do today to feel closer to God?” Beside your daily routine of reading scriptures and praying, there may be little pockets of time where you can say an extra prayer of gratitude, send a friend an encouraging text, or reread a favorite scripture.

By keeping the big picture in mind, the little things become a lot more meaningful.