The Liahona Magazine

The Scriptures Turn Our Hearts to God

07/11/22 | 1 min read
2 Kings 21–23

President Spencer W. Kimball said that the account of King Josiah, found in 2 Kings 21–23, “is one of the finest stories in all of the scriptures” (in Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament 2022, 129).

How King Josiah Found the Scriptures

King Josiah / Yoshiyahu Cleansing of Idols

King Josiah Cleansing the Land of Idols, © Look and Learn / Bridgeman Images

Josiah became king of Judah when he was only eight years old. He had inherited a kingdom of people who believed in false gods, but he wanted to follow the Lord. In the eighth year of his reign, he ordered that altars and idols of false gods be destroyed throughout Judah.

Bible of Royaumont, Old Testament

Josiah, King of Judah, Restores the Worship of God in His Kingdom, by unknown artist, photo by Stefano Bianchetti / Bridgeman Images

Ten years later, he asked his people to restore the temple in Jerusalem, where the high priest Hilkiah found the scriptures. When King Josiah read the book, he was inspired to follow its teachings. He then gathered his people and read the book to them.

For so long, the people had hardened their hearts against God. But the scriptures helped turn the hearts of the people back to God. King Josiah promised the people he would walk in the ways of the Lord and obey the commandments.


What scriptures have impacted your life? What verses could you read today to inspire you?

Old Testament Scriptures for Specific Occasions

When you:

  • Feel alone:

2 Kings 6:16

  • Need strength:

Isaiah 40:31

  • Feel unloved:

Psalm 130; Isaiah 54:10

  • Feel afraid:

Psalm 27:1; Isaiah 41:10

  • Forget who you are:

Genesis 1:26–27

  • Want to feel closer to the Savior:

Isaiah 53:3–5

Tips for Scripture Study

  • Include prayer as part of your scripture reading. Ask Heavenly Father to bless you with the Holy Ghost to feel peace and inspiration.
  • Read with the intent to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Read with the intent to apply the scriptures to your own life. Ask yourself, what is the Lord trying to teach me in these scriptures?
  • Include time to ponder. Try not to rush your reading time.
  • Ask for help. Reading with a spouse, friend, or roommate can lead to good discussions and help you remember to read each day.

You can watch a depiction of King Josiah’s life in a Church-produced video, “Josiah and the Book of the Law,” at
