Light The World

Christ Is Christmas: Celebrating the Birth of Jesus

More than just a tradition or a holiday, Christmas is an outpouring of joy that comes from celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Christ’s birth is evidence that our Heavenly Father loves His children so much that He sent His Son to show us the way to true happiness.

Join us as we explore ways to make Christmas more meaningful and celebrate the greatest gift each of us will ever receive.

The History and Meaning of Christmas
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” —Luke 2:11
Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth (The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ’s Birth), by Harry Anderson (62339); GAK 113; GAB 22; Primary manual 6-49; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6–7
A Long-Promised Savior
Bible prophets like Isaiah and Micah foretold the birth of Jesus Christ. The prophetesses Anna shared of His coming. And many other prophets in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, such as Nephi, Alma, and Samuel prepared for the Messiah.
Behold the Lamb of God, by Walter Rane
Humble Circumstances
In Hebrew, Bethlehem means “house of bread.” President Russell M. Nelson said, “How appropriate that He, the ‘bread of life’ [John 6:35, 48] would come from the ‘house of bread’” (“Divine Gifts” [First Presidency Christmas devotional, Dec. 6, 2020]). Mary “brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7).
The Wise Men traveling with camels toward Bethlehem. The Star of David shines above.
Visits from Shepherds and Wisemen
Shepherds were the first to hear of the birth of Jesus Christ. An angel appeared, announcing, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). Wise men saw a star in the east and came to worship Jesus after His birth.
I Shall Not Want
A Universal Message of Hope
Because of the birth of Jesus Christ, we can experience peace, hope, and joy in our lives today. Learn more about how Jesus Christ can help you live a happier life.

Ways to Celebrate Christmas with Us

Looking for ideas to make Christmas more meaningful this year?
People entering the front doors of a church
Join Us for Christmas Worship
Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with a special Christmas worship service. Find a church near you.
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The birth of Jesus
Study the Christmas Story
Find inspiration as you learn more about Jesus Christ’s birth.
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Photo of hands extended holding a string of Christmas lights
Light the World through Service
Learn how you can serve others and light the world this Christmas.
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Tabernacle Choir
Tabernacle Choir

Stream the First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional

Join us for a joyous Christmas devotional, where you can stream beautiful music and uplifting messages from inspired faith leaders.

Common Questions

How do Latter-day Saints Celebrate Christmas?
Was Jesus Christ Born on December 25?
Does the Church hold a special Christmas worship service?
Where can I find Christmas activities for my children and youth?
What scriptures tell the Christmas story?
How can I help others during the Christmas season?
Where can I find local service opportunities?
Series of images of family spending time together and female child playing the guitar/ukelele
Series of images of family spending time together and female child playing the guitar/ukelele

Feel Closer to the Savior on Christmas

Jesus Christ didn’t just live in ancient times. He lives today, and you can have a deeper, more personal relationship with Him. To learn how, you can start by talking with missionaries online or in person about how to draw closer to Jesus Christ.