We Work Together as Followers of Jesus Christ

We Worship Together
In more than 30,000 local congregations around the world, people connect with others in their community to worship, pray, sing hymns, and study the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We Learn Together
During the week, people of all ages gather in classes, such as seminary for youth or institute for young adults, to study the teachings of Jesus together.

We Serve Others
Service projects are a regular component of church activity and a key way we obey God’s commandment to love our neighbor.

We Build Relationships
Our congregations are a part of the neighborhoods where we live, and we work hard to be good neighbors and friends. Social activities are a fun and important part of building a church community.

We Strengthen Families
Strong family bonds make this life joyful and help us build the kind of world we want. Our church experience and services support deeper and more loving family relationships.

We Become Better
Becoming the kind of person we hope to be is an important part of our church life. Church programs help people learn and grow both spiritually and in practical ways through the gospel of Jesus Christ.