
Jesus Cristo desempenha um papel central em nossas crenças e em nossa vida. Nossa missão é convidar todos os filhos de Deus a seguir a Jesus e a sentir a alegria que podemos alcançar graças a Ele.

What We Believe

A young woman is outdoors and smiling. She is looking off to her right and away from the camera. She is at Antelope Island State Park in Utah.

God Knows and Loves You

Understand what it means to be a child of God and learn to recognize His guidance in your life.

Frontal head and shoulders portrait of Jesus Christ. Christ is depicted wearing a pale red robe with a white and blue shawl over one shoulder. Light emanates from His face.

Jesus Christ Is Your Savior

Learn from the Savior’s life and teachings and experience the joy of following Him.

Brazil: Senior Couple

Your Life Has Purpose and Meaning

Discover your divine potential and God’s plan of happiness for you.

Missionaries helping distribute food during a service project in Hong Kong.

Jesus Taught Us to Love One Another

Experience how loving and serving others as Jesus did can add meaning to your life.

Woman Reading the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon and Bible Are God’s Word

Explore sacred books of scripture that can bring you closer to Jesus Christ.

Family Life

Families Can Be Together Forever

Discover how you can strengthen cherished relationships, both now and after death.

Jesus Christ. Miracles. Dead Raised (Lazarus)

Jesus Understands Your Challenges

Seek the Savior’s help in difficult times, and connect to resources to support you through life’s challenges.

The Lord fulfilleth all His words

God Speaks to His Children through Prophets

Receive inspiration from the words of prophets called by God to be messengers for our day.

The First Vision

Jesus Restored His Church in Modern Times

Discover how Christ established His Church and how He leads the Restoration of the Church today.

Young couple stands outside the Ogden Utah Temple. They are looking out at the temple in the background with the Angel Moroni being almost top center of the image. He is wearing a dark blue suit with white collared shirt. She is in a white dress. It is late afternoon/early evening.

Temple Covenants Bind Us to God

Learn about the sacred promises we make in God’s holy temples to connect us to our families and to God.


God Is the Source of Light and Truth

Find strength as you look to God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit for truth. 

Japan: Family Life

God Has an Eternal Plan of Happiness

Understand God’s eternal plan for you and how you can be with your family forever because of Jesus Christ.

Quem somos

Joseph Smith praying in the grove
Fundada em 1830
A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias foi formalmente estabelecida em 1830, em Fayette, Nova York, tendo Joseph Smith como o primeiro presidente da Igreja.
Illustration of a hill on which are several adults and children doing several activities. Several buildings are also depicted: a temple, a church, a playground, city buildings, and single family dwellings.
Uma comunidade mundial
A Igreja teve um início humilde, mas cresceu para se tornar uma comunidade mundial de 17 milhões de fiéis unidos para seguir Jesus Cristo.
Liderados por revelação
Fazemos parte da Igreja restaurada de Jesus Cristo, que é liderada pelo Salvador por meio de Seu profeta divinamente inspirado.
Saiba mais sobre quem somos

Perguntas frequentes

Os membros de A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias são cristãos?
Vocês acreditam na Bíblia?
O que acontece nos templos?
Alguém como eu seria bem-vindo à igreja?
Ler todas as perguntas

Tem mais perguntas?

Os membros de nossa Igreja que se voluntariam como missionários podem conversar com você on-line ou presencialmente para compartilhar uma mensagem inspiradora e responder a suas perguntas de forma mais pessoal.
Solicite uma visita

Adore conosco

Todos podemos nos tornar pessoas melhores por meio de Jesus ao aprendermos e servirmos juntos em Sua Igreja. Venha e veja o que fazemos ao adorar conosco no próximo domingo.
O que esperar da visita à igreja