To Dance or Not to Dance
August 2020

“To Dance or Not to Dance,” New Era, Aug. 2020, 16–17.

For the Strength of Youth

To Dance or Not to Dance

To Dance or Not to Dance

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Youth Dance

Come have some fun at the dance this Saturday! Remember, no saying no—always say yes when someone asks you to dance!

I’m excited for the dance, but For the Strength of Youth says that agency is the ability to choose and act for yourself. What if I just don’t feel like dancing with someone? Don’t I get to choose whether to say yes or no?

You should always be kind, but I think it’s your right to choose. Let’s talk to the leaders about this rule.

Thanks for letting us know how you feel. You’re right. It’s your choice. We understand not everyone will always feel comfortable dancing, but they still want to come.

Hey, will you dance with me?

Thanks, but I just don’t feel like dancing right now.

Oh, OK.

I’m not trying that again!

What about her?

Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask!
