The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon (excerpts)
May 2020

“The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon (excerpts),” New Era, May 2020, 24–25.

The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon (excerpts)

young woman reading scriptures

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Following the First Vision, the miraculous coming forth of the Book of Mormon is the second fundamental mile- stone of the unfolding Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this dispensation. …

The historical facts and the special witnesses of the Book of Mormon testify that its coming forth was indeed miraculous. Nevertheless, the power of this book is not based only in its magnificent history but on its powerful, unparalleled message that has changed countless lives—including mine! …

Through … priceless personal experiences, the Book of Mormon indeed became the keystone that sustains my faith in Jesus Christ and my testimony of the doctrine of His gospel. …

… I invite you to be part of the marvelous coming forth of the Book of Mormon in your own life. I promise you that as you prayerfully and consistently study its words, you can partake of its promises and rich blessings in your life. I reaffirm once more the promise that echoes through its pages: that if you “ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ,” He mercifully “will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost” [Moroni 10:4]. I can assure you that He will give you the answer in a very personal way, as He has done for me and many others around the world.