Who’s Calling?
May 2017

“Who’s Calling?” New Era, May 2017

Who’s Calling?

Chaille K., Tonga

In the mornings, my dad calls us for scripture study and family prayer. It sometimes takes us half an hour or more to finally get up and move to the living room. One morning, instead of calling us with his voice, he called our cell phones. Before my sister’s phone even rang three times, she was up, and she responded to the caller in a soft and sweet voice only to find out it was my father calling from the living room.

Can you see how we sometimes follow the wrong influence? How much easier it is for us to respond to the ring of the mobile phone than to be on our knees praying to our Heavenly Father. We enjoy a long conversation on our phones but don’t want long prayers. We enjoy a text message from friends but neglect the written message of a loving Heavenly Father through the scriptures. We must listen to our prophet and leaders and give heed to their message.