“The Extra Smile,” New Era, June 2011, 35
The Extra Smile
“Isn’t camping great? I just love getting away from it all.”
“You said it. :)”
Arie Van De Graaff
Mormon Standard Time
Val Chadwick Bagley (original cartoon by Dick Heath)
We’ve been making New Era readers giggle for 40 years. “Mormon Standard Time” was the first cartoon we ever printed. It ran in the very first issue of the New Era, published in January 1971, in a section called “Funnies.” Two months later, the cartoon section’s name was changed to “Mormonisms.” And since January 2001 we’ve been going “The Extra Smile” just to make you grin. Go ahead and laugh a little.
“Sorry, Tim, but it’s not that kind of fireside.”
Kevin Beckstrom