Idea List: Priesthood Power
May 2007

“Idea List: Priesthood Power,” New Era, May 2007, 11

Idea List:

Priesthood Power

When young men are ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood, they agree to take upon themselves sacred responsibilities. The youth of the Port Coquitlam Ward in British Columbia, Canada, share some suggestions to help young men magnify their priesthood callings and to help young women be supportive.

Young Men

  • Understand your calling and make the effort to learn more about it. Be aware that when you perform your priesthood duties, you represent the Lord.

  • Stay worthy by studying the scriptures, having regular personal prayer, living the gospel, and following the counsel of your parents and leaders. Keep yourself morally and physically clean.

  • Perform your duties reverently. You show reverence through your appearance (including your clothing and hairstyle), the language you use, and the way you behave.

  • Show a willingness to fulfill your responsibilities promptly and cheerfully. Be well prepared. For example, familiarize yourself with the sacrament prayers.

  • Perform regular acts of service, including your home teaching assignments, and always be a good example to younger children and siblings.

  • Prepare to serve a full-time mission by accompanying the missionaries to teaching appointments and by fellowshipping members.

Young Women

  • Be a good example. Dress modestly, use clean language, and act appropriately. Encourage the young men to have high standards of dress and behavior as well.

  • Show respect by being reverent when the young men are performing their duties.

  • Express your appreciation for them and for the reverent way they perform their responsibilities.

  • Encourage them to attend Church activities, and be a good friend to them both in and out of church.

  • Take an interest in their priesthood callings by asking them about their responsibilities.

  • Keep relationships with young men from becoming too serious. Encourage them to prepare for missionary service.

  • Uplift and strengthen the Aaronic Priesthood holders by bearing your testimony. You can also include your testimony in letters to the young men from your ward who are serving full-time missions.

Illustrated by Scott Greer
