“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Nov. 2003, 50
We’ve Got Mail
Thanks, Juli
Thank you for the article “It’s Just Hair” (Aug. 2003). I identified with the author, Juli Housholder, and the feelings she experienced. Two months ago I was diagnosed with the same disease Juli had. Following my diagnosis, I felt alone and scared. I didn’t think I would be pretty if my hair fell out. I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me through my illness and help me know I was still special. “It’s Just Hair” was an answer to prayer. It helped me realize I am not alone and that no matter what, I’ll always be a daughter of God.
Maggie Hortin, Crescent Park Fourth Ward, Sandy Utah Crescent Park Stake
Rooted in Friendships
I have always had fun with my friends, but I had never before appreciated what a great strength they are in my life. “Web of Friendship” (Aug. 2003) helped me realize what a blessing friends are to me. When I need to talk, I can count on my friends to listen. My friends hold up my “shallow root system” and make me a better person. I could not make it through life alone. Thanks for this article.
Steven Barney, Taylor Park Ward, Mesa Arizona Kimball Stake
The Perfect Magazine for Me
Since middle school I’ve sold magazines for a fund-raiser. Each year, I tried desperately to find the right magazine for me. Little did I know that the perfect magazine for me was already in my home. I used to just read “The Extra Smile” and then toss the New Era aside. But a few years ago, I began to read more and more of the articles. I found that they were directed to people my age and discussed situations I could relate to. It wasn’t full of degrading articles or beauty ads. It described true beauty, answered my questions, and uplifted my spirit. The New Era is “The Perfect Magazine for Anne.” It just has a different title.
Anne Sheffield, Moorpark Ward, Saratoga California Stake
Courage to Be Stronger
I reflect daily on the counsel and advice I have been given in the New Era. It has helped me in my daily decisions. I find myself more committed to live the gospel. The strength I receive from this magazine is incomprehensible, and I always walk away with courage to be a little stronger.
Janeal Chandler, Salem Third Ward, Sugar City Idaho Stake
Our Fight for Right
Recently, I started high school. Every day is a battle between worldliness and something higher. Some days I feel like giving up, but then I think of the inspirational people I have read about in the New Era. Knowing there are others like me who are trying to do what’s right helps me fight for what is right. Reading the New Era gives me strength to keep working hard.
Kelly Baker, Redding Second Ward, Redding California Stake
Illustrated by Bill Mayer