“Time to Testify,” New Era, Oct. 2003, 9
How I Know:
Time to Testify
My prayers were answered when the Spirit touched my heart as I testified to the preacher.
One of the greatest testimony-building experiences in my life came early in my mission. At the Missionary Training Center, I had finished reading the Book of Mormon, and I took the challenge given in Moroni 10:3–5 to pray about the Book of Mormon. As I prayed, I expected an overpowering revelation of the truthfulness of the book, but nothing came.
When it was time for me to fly to South Africa, still nothing had come. A few weeks into my service, I hadn’t yet received an answer to those prayers. I was getting discouraged.
One night, my companion and I had an appointment to teach the first discussion to a preacher. He accepted everything we said until we taught about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. As a new missionary, I didn’t know what to do, but I felt prompted to simply testify. As I bore to him my simple testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith and of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, the Spirit touched my heart. I was filled with a sense of peace as I shared with this man a knowledge that I didn’t know I had.
That was an answer to my weeks of prayers. Up to that point I had believed that the Book of Mormon contained God’s word, but now I can say that I know that it is true; it is “another testament of Jesus Christ.”
Illustrated by Gregg Thorkelson; The First Vision by Kenneth Riley