“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Feb. 1988, 40–43
For Your Information
Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.—John Ruskin
A Word on Love
True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.
—Honoré de Balzac
If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving.
Wherever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love.
—Mahatma Gandhi
A friend loveth at all times.
—Prov. 17:17
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God.
—1 Jn. 4:7
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather loved in spite of ourselves.
—Victor Hugo
To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.
—Baron Gottfried Whilhelm von Leibnitz
When two people loved each other they worked together always, two against the world, a little company. Joy was shared; trouble was split. You had an ally, somewhere, who was helping.
—Paul Gallico
Send a Unique Valentine
Send a stuffed toy animal to the children’s ward of the local hospital as a valentine for someone who needs cheering up.
Make an extra large valentine for a favorite teacher in school or church. Have everyone in the class sign it.
Make pink popcorn balls, tie them in a cluster, and present it as an eatable bouquet.
Give a baker’s dozen of heart-shaped cookies. Put one letter on each cookie. There are 13 letters in BE MY VALENTINE.
Write an original poem that doesn’t start with the line “Roses are red.”
Send your message on poster board with candy bars filling in some of the words.
Fix a pink breakfast with the help of red food coloring. How about pink milk, red scrambled eggs, berry jam on the toast, or pink oatmeal and red hash brown potatoes?
Tie your message with a ribbon to a pink balloon.
If there is fresh snow, stamp out a valentine message in a field or yard.
If your valentine can’t have sweets, make a valentine pizza.
Famous Love Stories
In the Old Testament is the account of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob’s father did not want him to marry a girl not of his faith, so he sent him to live with his Uncle Laban in a distant city. Jacob saw Rachel watering the sheep at the well and fell in love with her. He sought permission to marry her, but her father insisted that he first marry the oldest daughter, Leah, after first working for seven years for her. Jacob willingly worked another seven years to earn the right to wed Rachel. These years “seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her” (Gen. 29:20).
In English literature, Robert Browning began corresponding with a young woman who had written to praise his poetry. Her name was Elizabeth Barrett. Although Elizabeth was an invalid when she met Robert, after they were married and moved to a warmer climate, her health improved immensely. One of her most well-known poems was written to her husband and begins, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”
In American history, one famous couple was John and Abigail Adams. Because John was involved in the politics of a newly formed country, sometimes requiring him to live abroad, they were often separated for months and even years at a time. Abigail remained at home in charge of their farm and wrote beautiful letters of support to her husband.
As a young man attending college, Ezra Taft Benson met a beautiful, intelligent young lady named Flora. The first time he met her, he felt that she would one day be the girl he would marry. Ezra T. admired Flora’s quick wit and lively, intelligent mind. A returned missionary himself, he waited for her to fill a mission, and eventually won her love and her hand in marriage.
So Many Ways to Say “I Love You”
“Te quiero”
(tay KYEH-roh).
“Je t’aime”
(zhuh TEM).
“Ich liebe dich”
(ikh LEE-buh dikh).
Italian: “Ti voglio bene”
(tee VOHL-yoh BAY-nay).
“Ik hou van jow”
(ick HOW fun yow).
“Jag älskar deg”
(yahg EL-skar day).
(yah lyoob-LYOO tib-YAH).
“Wo aì ni”
(woh EYE knee).
“Ou te alofa ia te oe”
(OH tay ah-LOH-fah yah tay OH-way).
Celebration for the Constitution
More than 700 young men and women from Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., gathered to sing on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial in the U.S. capital. They participated in the celebration of the bicentennial of the United States Constitution with a musical program called “Ring the Bells of Freedom.”
The Mormon Youth Bicentennial Chorus, as they called themselves, entertained a large, enthusiastic audience for more than an hour with songs about their thoughts on liberty and love for country. President Thomas S. Monson spoke about the special responsibility to preserve the legacy of freedom enjoyed by those in the United States.
The youth who participated in the chorus commented: “It was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done! It gave us a chance to share the gospel. I learned so much about the Constitution and our founding fathers. We made wonderful new friends.”
Top Band
Amanda Cousineau of the Steven’s Point Branch, Wisconsin Milwaukee Mission, was selected to be in the Sousa National High School Honors Band. Amanda, who plays the bassoon, was recommended for the honor by her high school band director.
Speaking Out
Carrielyn Donigan of the Makakilo Ward, Waipahu Hawaii Stake, is very involved in speech and drama. She has won statewide awards for debate and has been in many theatrical productions.
Carrielyn is a also involved in her school’s concert band and choir. She was named best overall student during her sophomore and junior years in high school and is a member of the Cum Laude Society.
In addition, she is a committee chairperson of the Big Brother/Big Sister program and serves as a volunteer in the Hawaii State Special Olympics.
She attends early-morning seminary and served as class president.
Three Sisters
Tammy, Samantha, and Jemma Goodare from the island of Anglesey, North Wales, are close not only in age but in their love for music and sports.
Tammy plays the cello and piano and enjoys singing. She plays in the area youth orchestra as well as in her school orchestra and string quartet. Tammy loves seminary and has nearly reached a goal of reading the scriptures 1,000 consecutive days.
Samantha loves sports. She competes on her school’s netball, hockey, dance, and gymnastics teams and loves to swim. She also finds time for horseback riding and show jumping.
Jemma has participated on school netball, volleyball, and gymnastics teams that have won national awards. She plays the flute and takes singing lessons.
The sisters attend the Gaerwen Ward, Chester England Stake.
On the Court
Andrea Leslie Williams of Kansas City, Missouri, is comfortable on many types of courts. She earned varsity letters in tennis and in basketball all four years of high school. Her average per game in basketball was 30 points.
In addition, she was crowned Courtwarming Queen of her high school, where she was also a straight-A student. She also attends early-morning seminary and is a member of the Red Bridge Ward, Kansas City Missouri Stake.
Youth Senators
by Chris Williams
I recently had the opportunity of being one of two youth leaders in Utah to attend the United States Senate Youth Program in Washington, D.C. At the opening social, many people, upon seeing my name tag, asked if I was Mormon. I was told that a boy from Illinois was looking for me. Cameron Cozzens found me and asked if I was a member of the Church. When I said yes, he said, “I knew it. I thought a Christopher Williams from Utah just might be LDS.” He then introduced me to the others that he knew were LDS, and I introduced him to the ones I had met. We discovered that there were seven of us: Amy Pack from Idaho, Heidi Fish from Spain, Matt Fairholm from Virginia, Doug Daum from Delaware, Audrey Wright from California, and Cameron and I.
Between the tours and speeches, I found that I talked to a lot of people about the Church. I was lucky that Matt Fairholm was my roommate. I found I needed his assurance when we answered questions about the Church.
One of our most unforgettable experiences was on Sunday morning. After breakfast, we met in our room for a short devotional. We found that our religion interested many people and raised questions. Others were surprised to discover that Mormons were such normal people.
And as I look back, I’m really glad we have the Constitution and the freedoms it grants us, especially freedom of religion. It was wonderful to be in a place where 104 young people could gather together and freely discuss each other’s beliefs. We all learned a lot about our freedoms and what our forefathers fought for.
Photography by Philip Shurtleff
Jacob and Rachel at the well.
Robert; Elizabeth
President Benson and his wife, Flora.
The Mormon Youth Bicentennial Chorus singing from the steps of the Jefferson Memorial in the U.S. capital.
Amanda Cousineau
Carrielyn Donigan
Tammy Goodare; Samantha Goodare; Jemma Goodare
Andrea Leslie Williams
LDS youth attending the United States Senate Youth Program in Washington, D.C.