FYI: For Your Information
July 1986

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, July 1986, 41

For Your Information

The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly.

—Corra May White Harris

Young Artist

Adam Koford of Riverside, California, enjoys drawing.

Adam has won several school art contests and has had his work displayed in the state capitol. He most recently won a summer safety poster contest sponsored by the bakery where his father works.

Adam is active in the Riverside Second Ward. He enjoys Scouting and has already earned his art merit badge.

Member Missionary

LeeAnn Briscoe of Rigby, Idaho, has learned the joy of helping someone find the gospel. She helped introduce the gospel to a friend she met at a high school state music clinic.

She was also selected to attend the summer honors program at Idaho State University. In addition, LeeAnn was one of six semifinalists from Idaho in the International Chemistry Olympiad. She is now attending Ricks College as a Science Education major.

Busy Girl

Barbara Maller of Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, was named as the Most Outstanding Student of the year for her school. She also received six honor certificates for scholastic achievement.

Besides being busy with her regular school subjects, Barb is involved in track; the drama club; and the concert band.

Barb plays the piano for activities in the Red Deer Second Ward.

Newspaper Girl

Christina (Teeny) Menges of Marysville, California, received a $500 scholarship from the California Newspaper Youth Foundation. She was one of 20 scholarship recipients out of the 500 who applied. Selection for the scholarship was based on performance as a newspaper carrier, extracurricular activities, and academic standing.

Teeny is the Laurel president in the Marysville First Ward, Yuba City California Stake.

Three Leaders

The three Steurer children are all serving on the student council of the Mannford Middle School in Mannford, Oklahoma.

Amy is the student council treasurer in addition to being a cheerleader. She is also the president of her Beehive class. Rodney is the seventh-grade representative, and Geoffrey is the sixth-grade representative.

They all are active in the Cleveland Branch, Tulsa Oklahoma Stake.

History Buff

Andrew Foote of Cleveland, Texas, enjoys learning about the history of his state. He received the Academic Achievement Award in Texas history, and he organized a crew to repair and clean up the area around two Sam Houston National Forest trailheads for his Eagle project.

In addition to earning his Eagle, Andrew is a member of the National Junior Honor Society.

Indiana Miss

For Holly Conder of Terre Haute, Indiana, a fine academic record and the ability to talk with people helped her to be named Miss Indiana American Coed.

Holly is on the high school honor roll at school and represented her school at Girls’ State. She has received awards in Spanish, general business, and typing.

In addition to her schoolwork, Holly enjoys dancing, reading, and photography. She is a Laurel in the Terre Haute First Ward, Bloomington Indiana Stake.

Top Two

Kristin Sorensen and Laura Fryer, both of Richland, Washington, served as good examples to others in their state as they took the top two spots in the Miss TEEN competition. Their selection was based on scholastic achievement, volunteer service, personal interviews, and a talent or speech presentation.

Both girls felt comfortable doing the speech presentation because of their experiences talking before groups in church. The Church also influenced many of the answers they gave to the judges. One judge asked Laura, “What is outstanding about you?” Her immediate answer was, “I have high standards.”

Kristin had many examples of service. She worked with retarded children in a day care center. She also found ways to help in her ward. “We took care of an elderly couple on Sunday afternoons,” said Kristin, “so that the lady who normally took care of them could attend church. I also spent time helping in a rest home.”

As a representative for her state, Kristin has traveled to other northwestern states visiting girls who are participating in the program. She was able to talk with many of them about the Church and encouraged them to pursue their interest in learning more.

Both girls are excellent students and enjoy seminary. Kristin is active in the Richland Fourth Ward, and Laura is active in the Richland Fifth Ward.

Two from Liverpool

Karen and Robert Veneables of Liverpool, England, have both received awards related to Scouting activities.

Karen earned her Baden-Powell badge in Guides. She is the first Guide in her division to earn this high award. In addition to her schoolwork, Karen enjoys playing the cello with the Liverpool Schools Symphony Orchestra. She serves as seminary class president and as the Mia Maid class president, ward magazine representative, and assistant ward librarian.

Robert has earned the Duke of Edinburgh gold award. The award is given to young people who give service to their communities. Robert earned his by working as a leader with a handicapped Scout troop. In addition to his Scouting activities, Robert enjoys woodworking, hiking in the mountains, and skiing.

Robert has graduated from seminary and is first assistant in his priests quorum. Both brother and sister are in the Liverpool Second Ward.

Top Graduate

Erica Threet of Moorcroft, Wyoming, graduated as valedictorian of her class. She is also a four-year graduate of home study seminary.

While in school, Erica was active in many areas. However, her most valued achievement was in music. As a flutist, she was selected to be a part of the Wyoming All-State Band and All-State Orchestra. She was also a member of the All-American Sound of America European Summer Honor Band where she received the John Philip Sousa award for outstanding musicianship.

As a member of the Moorcroft Branch, Erica teaches the Primary Star class and serves as the branch chorister.

Jazz Singer

Heather Hall of Laramie, Wyoming, was part of a trio that took third place in the National History Day contest. The group’s presentation on jazz in American music was selected third place nationally among 63 entries from 45 states.

Heather is active in school, where she is an honor student. She sings with her school’s top performing group, the Plainsmen Singers, and she is the president of the Spanish Club.

Heather attends early-morning seminary, where she has served as class secretary and was second place in the scripture chase tournament. She is a member of the Laramie Fourth Ward.

Takes the Cake

Heather Harper of the Rock Hill Ward, Charlotte North Carolina Stake, has put her diverse talents to good use. She won both first- and second-place ribbons for the cakes she decorated. She also received a trophy for being best in her division.

Heather also took second place in the Optimist Oratorical contest. In addition, she received an award for being the top salesman in her school’s Junior Achievement program.

Heather is a Mia Maid in her ward and has served in the presidencies of her Young Women classes.

Top Gymnast

Temple Humpherys of the Kansas City First Ward, Kansas City Missouri Stake, took first place in the vault, floor exercise, balance beam, and uneven parallel bars to capture first place in the all-around division at a state class III gymnastics meet.

Previously, Temple had taken first place in the all-around division in the class IV state gymnastics meet.

Temple is president of her Beehive class and is an honor student at her middle school. She plays the flute and is active in drill team and track.

Primary Pals

The Young Women of the Mountain Home Fourth Ward, Mountain Home Idaho Stake, undertook a special service project for the mothers in the ward. On Mother’s Day the Young Women took over the entire Primary to give the leaders and teachers a chance to attend Relief Society and Sunday School.

Each girl was assigned a position, from leading sharing time and the music to teaching a class. Some of the younger girls chose to team teach. The Young Women dedicated themselves to preparing excellent lessons for the children.

In preparation for the service project, the Young Women received instruction on teaching lessons. They were anxious to put into action the things they learned.

In addition to this service project, the Young Women also set up baby-sitting services for ward temple day.

Scholar Athlete

Charl Riggs has received several honors for his athletic accomplishments in high school. He played on both the varsity basketball and football teams. He was also named the Outstanding Athlete of the Year and the National Scholar Athlete of the Year from the senior class.

Charl was chosen to be on the International Sports Exchange basketball team from Arizona which made a trip to Taiwan and Korea.

Charl is an Eagle Scout and a priest in the Mesa 63rd Ward, Mesa Arizona Central Stake.
