“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Apr. 1986, 40–43
For Your Information
Outstanding Girl
Jennifer Turberville of the Berwick Ward, Scranton Pennsylvania Stake, graduated with honors from her high school. She was well known in school for playing the major roles in three school plays. She was a member of the Thespian Society and served as vice-president of her school’s chapter of the National Honor Society.
Jennifer also represented her school in both district and regional choirs. In her ward, she served as president of each of her Young Women classes.
New Era Bowl
When the Kingman Arizona Stake held its first youth conference, one of the favorite activities was a New Era Bowl held one afternoon. Each ward chose teams of four to compete. The contestants had been advised ahead of time which issue of the magazine to read in preparation. A system of buzzers and lights aided judges in determining who had the first chance to answer the questions. Questions were taken from articles in the magazine.
The Kingman Third Ward Team A defeated the Bullhead City Team for trophies.
First Place
Alice Phu, 15, of the Hacienda Heights Fifth (Chinese) Branch, Hacienda Heights California Stake, took first place in the Southern California Piano Solo competition. She competed with other pianists from throughout the state. Alice also won many Arizona state competitions before her family moved to the Los Angeles area.
Alice is an excellent student. She also enjoys playing trumpet and violin, and she serves as organist for her branch.
State Champ
Eric Freeman of the Basin City Ward, Pasco Washington Stake, took the state championship in wrestling in his weight class. In addition, he was voted the most inspirational wrestler by his teammates.
Besides sports, Eric’s other interests include singing with his high school jazz choir. He is on the student council and was selected by his class to be a Natural Helper, a student selected to help other students with their problems. He was named by his teachers as one of the five top junior boys in his class.
We apologize to Johnny Webster of Kissimmee, Florida, for making an error in his name in FYI in the January 1986 issue. We also congratulate him on his sports accomplishments. He is now looking forward to a mission call.
Top-Rated Pianist
Mariana Fernandez de Bittencourt of the Lopez Ward, Buenos Aires Argentina North Stake, has received national recognition for her talent.
Mariana was selected as one of ten pianists under the age of 16 to represent Argentina in a 160-nation Artist Convention of Youth in Bulgaria. Along with her Young Women activities and school, Mariana is busy preparing three numbers for the convention, one classical, one traditional, and the third, quite naturally, a tango.
Speaking Out
Tyler Vance of the McCall Ward, Weiser Idaho Stake, has the distinction of winning a national speech contest two years in a row. He took first in the Prepared Speech at the National Leadership Conference of the Office of Education Association.
In addition to his speech making, Tyler is active in school. In an unprecedented move, his schoolmates elected him to serve as student-body president while he was a junior. He was elected senior class president for the following year. He is active in the school band and in pep band. He is also a member of the Honor Society.
In Scouting, Tyler has earned his Eagle badge. He plays the piano and organ in church. He is also the first assistant in his priests quorum.
Scout Representative
Andy York of Warsaw, Indiana, was chosen to represent his Boy Scout Council in a meeting with the governor. He and seven other Eagle Scouts met with the governor of Indiana and presented him with a gift symbolizing each Boy Scout Council.
Andy constructed a wheelchair ramp at the chapel as his Eagle project. He is the first counselor in his quorum in the Warsaw Ward of the South Bend Indiana Stake.
In school, Andy sings in the concert choir. He enjoys sports and plays on the Church-sponsored basketball team and played with a championship league baseball team.
Reaching Goals
The Westerlind family of the Orland Park Ward, Chicago Heights Illinois Stake, is establishing a tradition of perfection in early-morning seminary.
Teresa Westerlind set the example by achieving perfect attendance for her entire four years of seminary.
Then her brother Victor followed suit with perfect attendance, but he also achieved a goal to receive perfect scores on all scripture chase tests during his four years of seminary.
Erik, the next to follow the Westerlind tradition, has had perfect attendance for two years and so far has had perfect scripture chase scores. He was also on the team that took first place in the stake scripture chase.
Dynamic Trio
The Beehive class of three girls of the Alton Ward, Kanab Utah Stake, set a long-range goal to be members of the state 1-A girls basketball championship team.
The trio—Holly Heaton, Wendy Crosby, and Deanna Rust—attended workshops and clinics and practiced several hours each day, summer and winter, to achieve their goal. Their efforts paid off. The three girls were all starting members of the 1-A Utah State Girls Basketball championship team. Holly was voted the Most Valuable Player at the state tournament, and Deanna was named to the All-State Tournament team. In addition, they were all starters on the 1-A State Girls Volleyball championship team.
When the girls go to other schools to play, they always arrive wearing dresses. They take pride in setting an example of modesty and femininity.
In addition, they are all excellent students and have perfect attendance at church, even when they are very late getting home from away games.
Adding Up
Heather Reynolds is a dedicated student, graduating as valedictorian of her class. Not only is she intelligent, but she is busy.
She is president of the American Field Service Club, secretary of the Business Club, and historian of the California Scholarship Federation. She was also involved in marching band and on the tennis team.
Heather began working after school for a local certified public accountant and hopes to major in accounting in college.
Serving as ward organist, Heather was also the Laurel class president and president of her early-morning seminary class. She was never late to seminary because she arrived before seminary to practice the organ. She is in the Brawley Ward, El Centro California Stake.
On His Way
LRay Barton is interested in sports and computers and is making strides with both. He loves to play baseball and has played on Little League teams for six years. He has taken special classes in computers and hopes to become a computer programmer one day. He loves to read, is learning French, and loves to travel. He is also grooming his dog to participate in dog shows.
LRay has earned his Eagle badge. For his Eagle project he painted the bleachers at the baseball diamonds where he plays. He is a deacon in the Mt. Olympus Second Ward, Salt Lake City Utah Mt. Olympus Stake.
Boy Governor
Roger Hill of Tucson, Arizona, was selected to serve as the governor of the state-wide Arizona YMCA Model Legislature. He was the first high school junior to have held this position in the 37-year history of the program. He attended the National Youth Governor’s Conference in Washington, D.C. Roger was also selected to be a delegate to Arizona Boys’ State. A straight-A student, Roger is a member of the National Honor Society and has won superior awards twice for solo and ensemble competitions where he played his violin. He also played varsity basketball and tennis and was named most valuable player on the tennis team.
Roger serves as first assistant in his priests quorum in the Tucson 13th Ward, Tucson Arizona North Stake.
Scottish Youth Conference
by David Forbes
On the 22nd anniversary of the date President David O. McKay organized the first stake in Scotland, 250 youth from the country’s five stakes—Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Paisley—participated in a regional convention.
The fun-packed program included such events as competitive swimming, an arts and crafts workshop, a table tennis tournament, and a crazy olympic games.
Young men and women joined together in a stake five-a-side football (soccer) contest which proved surprisingly worthwhile for one team. That team, sporting mostly girls, beat the other all-boys teams to take second place.
Top Debater
Rick Whicker, with his partner Kevin Boyer, won the National Debate Tournament held in Reno, Nevada. The Whicker/Boyer team entered a sudden-death single elimination bracket with the 64 top-ranked teams in the nation. Their victory broke a four-year winning streak of another school.
Rick, a priest in the Butler Fourth Ward in Salt Lake Butler West Stake, has been president of his deacons and teachers quorums and first assistant in his priests quorum. He has served on the stake youth council and with the state Explorer council.
World Student
Jennifer Turley of Seattle, Washington, was one of two American students selected to attend the United World College of the Adriatic in Italy. The college is an international school working toward peace through world understanding.
Jennifer became involved in a rigorous academic program as well as taking advantage of the travel and learning opportunities. Before attending the Italy-based college, Jennifer graduated from high school a year early, was the recipient of an award for academic excellence from the National Honor Society, and was a commended National Merit Scholar.
Jennifer is a member of the Everett Fourth Ward, Everett Washington Stake.
In all ranks of life the human heart yearns for the beautiful; and the beautiful things that God makes are his gift to all alike.
—Harriet Beecher Stowe
Teresa Westerlind; Victor Westerlind; Erik Westerlind
Left to right: Holly Heaton, Wendy Crosby, and Deanna Rust.
David Black gives Mike Stoner (blindfolded) some tactical pointers during a water balloon target event while the recipient of the water bomb is drenched in a spray of water.