November 1978

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1978, 2


Stay close

I am an inmate at the Utah State Prison. Last year I got a card from my mom and dad that said they were giving me a year’s subscription to the New Era. I told them that it was a waste of money, considering where I was. But I soon changed my mind when I received my first copy and learned what it was all about. I love the New Era. It makes me feel good inside when I read it. It helps me come closer to God, and it gives me a better attitude about life. I want to say to all the youth of the Church that it is for you that your parents tell you to be home by 10:00. All the things they tell you will help you. If I had done all that my mom and dad told me, I would not be here in prison. I pray that you will all listen to your parents and stay close to your Father in heaven.

Name Withheld

Very proud

I was thrilled to see my poetry in the August New Era. I feel I must thank you for having the contest. The encouragement and sense of achievement it has given me have been tremendous. As I read the poems of the other winners, I felt very proud to see my work beside theirs. Our whole family looks forward each month to receiving the New Era.

Collette Ricks
Ucon, Idaho

My teachers made me do It

In our Church classes we are taught to read the New Era. I have done so and really enjoyed three stories in the February issue: “Hand-Me Downs,” “Someone’s Mother,” and “Trust, a Key to Testimony.” Thank you for making it possible for me to read and enjoy these stories.

Denise Rogers
Castle Rock, Colorado


Summers have always been sort of hectic for me, but as soon as I catch a glimpse of the latest edition of the New Era each month, fresh out of the mailbox, it is under my arm in an instant, carried to my room, flopped on the bed, and, in no time at all, devoured from cover to cover.

It’s my habit to read every single article, along with the poems and everything else. I just love the New Era, and I try not to miss a thing. This great magazine never fails to answer questions that are always popping into my mind. Sometimes I wonder if someone is reading my thoughts. Thanks for my all-time favorite magazine.

Brenda Smith
Centerville, Utah

That’s procrastination for you

Ever since I started reading the New Era when I was about 13 years of age, I’ve always wanted to write and say just how fantastic it is. Well, that’s procrastination for you—I’ll be 21 year sold next week! I thought I’d just let you know that we in England are really impressed, too. The June issue, especially the article by Robert E. Wells, “How Well Can You Fly It When Everything Goes Wrong?” really excited me. You see, that is the key. It’s easy to be on top when everything goes right. The real test is to stay on top even when everything goes wrong. I’ve just sent a gift subscription to one of my nonmember friends and her husband. I just know they’ll love it because they’ve heard so much about the New Era. I always take inspiring messages from the New Era and send them to my fiancé who is serving in the England London Mission. They help us both a lot. I want everyone to know that the New Era is exciting, thrilling, inspirational. In fact it’s number one!

Marie Brown
Ford, Merseyside, England

You find yourself, too

As I read “My Dad—the Senior Companion” in the June New Era, I was touched by the Spirit because it made me think of how I started off on my mission. I had to do all my adjusting out in the field, and so I wasted some time. I am now serving in the Australia Brisbane Mission, a beautiful part of the Lord’s vineyard. I wish that I had had the experience that this father gave to his son. I know that if all fathers took the care that this one did in preparing his son, we would have an even better missionary force. In the mission field a person’s faith and testimony are tried (and sometimes shaken), but with the proper training and a love for people, your faith and testimony grow. I hope the fathers of the Church will help prepare their sons for the field both before and after they get their call.

I am very thankful that I was worthy to be called by the prophet to serve the Lord and his people. My mission has helped me grow stronger in the Church and, most important, closer to my Father in heaven. No other joy can compare with the joy of serving our Father.

Elder Douglas Evans
Australia Brisbane Mission

Imagine our surprise

Our family looks forward so much to receiving the Church magazines. We have lived in Brazil almost 2 1/2 years now. You can imagine our surprise when we read page 40 of the July New Era—“The Dark Blue Suit.” The four missionaries from Curitiba Sixth Ward eat dinner at our house each Thursday, and Elder Amorím is one of them! Also, the elder who baptized Elder Amorim is now Bishop Nagata of the Curitiba Sixth Ward and a great person!

Joyce Reichert Wallace
Parana, Brazil

I love you

I wish to thank my wonderful gospel sister Hazel for giving me a subscription to the New Era for my birthday. What a lovely gift! As soon as I receive my copy each month, I read it from cover to cover. It’s super to use in talks and seminary devotionals. I loved “When White Shirts Turn Gray” in the December issue. What more can I say except “I love you, New Era.

Sandy Goffney
Fishbourne, Sussex, England

A bit of confidence

I can relate to the young man in “Youth Speaker” in the July New Era. I, too, am deathly afraid of speaking in front of groups of people. Through this story I have gained a bit of confidence. Thanks a million! I like the New Era because it doesn’t keep the faith—it spreads it!

Elder Steven Brooks
Shreveport, Louisiana


I am 12 years old and have just started receiving the New Era, but I would like to say thank you for the article “Family Night at the Prom” in the July issue. It has made me realize how lucky I am that my family is in the Church. Besides that, it has made me want to try to bring unity in my home because now I realize the importance of unity.

Catherine Turner
Provo, Utah


I want you to know how much I appreciate “Butterfly Wings and a Yellow Rose” in the August New Era. It has brought me closer to God.

Monica Hosstu
Costa Mesa, California

In the days of cars and planes

I have just finished my August issue of the New Era, and I truly enjoyed every article it contained. But I am writing this letter because of the inspiring article “In the Days of Boats and Trains” by Mary Russell. I too have spent many hours in arguments and tears with my father and mother, telling them of the testimony I have and pleading for their consent to my baptism. I will be 18 in a couple of days. I have faith, as did the woman in the article, that things will work out just great and according to my Heavenly Father’s will. I know that this time of waiting provides an opportunity to grow as an individual in strengthening my prayers and faith.

Sue Lock
Gresham, Oregon

Three in one

The New Era always seems to arrive at the time I need it most. I’d been through a particularly tough test one day, and when I arrived back at the house, there were three issues waiting to be read. You can’t imagine the happiness I felt. I immediately sat down and read all of them. It was like water to a thirsty soul. Being 8,000 miles from home, I enjoy the New Era more than ever. It is my “mission magazine.”

Elder William R. Nelson
Colombia Cali Mission
