November 1974

“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1974, 2


There’s always something …

Heartfelt thanks to the New Era for the excellent publication each month. It really means a lot to us missionaries. The special messages from the leaders of the Church are wonderful. The question and answer section is always one of my favorites. There always seems to be something that makes certain subjects clearer in my mind and easier to explain to investigators.

Elder Jeff Case
Texas San Antonio Mission

Our own lives

I enjoy reading the personal experiences of General Authorities and others because of the valuable teachings we learn that we can put to use in our own lives. At times it is difficult for us to get Church publications, but when they do arrive we are truly grateful for the instruction, information, and inspiration they always bring us. Many, many times my own personal prayers and questions have been answered through the New Era. Truly the Lord lives, loves, and guides us in all we do. Thanks for helping me to realize that.

Elder G. Wheeler
Japan Fukuoka Mission

More than a magazine

Since I am the only member in my family, the New Era means more to me than just a magazine. I think “Home Cooking” and “Charly” were two fantastic stories. They both made me laugh and both brought a tear.

Vicki Schulz
Reisterstown, Maryland

I was really tickled by the article and pictures on the Playmill Theater in the June New Era. My brother is Norlan Jacobs, and there was a picture of him and a quote from him in the article. He and his family left their home for the summer this year and last year to help with the productions. I’ve shown the article to all my friends at church. I think it’s super!

Julie L. Jacobs
Renton, Washington

Vanity, vanity

As two missionaries in the England London Mission we would like to congratulate you and express our appreciation for the fine and uplifting spiritual feast the New Era provides for us. We find it to be the highlight of our day to read and ponder the spiritual fruits of your publication. The main reason we’re writing, however, is just to get our names in the New Era.

Elder William R. Fischer and Elder Craig M. Rammell
England London Mission


Thanks so much for the article “Goosebumps at the Playmill” in the June New Era. I am a drama major at Delta Community College, and anything to do with theater gains my undivided attention. The Playmill sounds like an excellent place to spend a summer vacation.

Pattie Deeter
Stockton, California

Thanks so much for the article on the Playmill Theater. Our family went to Expo ’74 this year, and just because we had read your article we traveled clear to West Yellowstone instead of going straight home. It was worth every mile to see one of their performances. It was even better than the article said. I want to go back next year, and I can promise you that you will never receive a warmer welcome anywhere.

Keith D. Clegg
Midway, Utah

Preparation day reading

We are working here in the newest Belgian city to receive the message of the restored gospel. We would like to express our gratitude to the New Era for helping us to become better missionaries. One of the more difficult days in the life of a missionary is preparation day. On this day we don’t have the opportunity of being with the people and bearing our testimonies of the divinity of the gospel. However, we have found that reading the New Era not only provides us with an enjoyable pastime, but it also builds us up and keeps our thoughts centered on the work. At the moment our young branch consists of only four members, but they too have enjoyed the spirit of the New Era, as we have given them our translated versions of the various articles. They also send their thanks. Keep up the great work.

Elders Blickenstaff, Chambers, Christensen, and James
Netherlands Mission

From Turkey

As a single brother stationed in Turkey, I would like to thank you for a wonderful magazine. The New Era has been a great help whenever I have found myself slipping away from the Church, and it has helped me increase my testimony.

Sgt. William S. Barckley
Raramursel, Turkey

It’s never too late

I know this is a little late, but I need to say it. I just finished reading, for the second time, the June 1973 missionary issue. I read it first when it came out a year ago, and this time since I’ve been in the mission field. It is excellent. It has raised my sagging spirits. I have since rededicated myself to the Lord’s work.

Elder Clark Carroll
Florida Tallahassee Mission

Where is Canton Island?

I really look forward to receiving each issue of the New Era. The features are interesting and enjoyable throughout, and I have found the magazine to be an invaluable teaching aid too. I attend a small branch on Canton Island. The branch is an extension of the Samoa Mission. I would imagine that, like everyone else, you’re thinking, “Where is Canton Island?”

Canton is one of five small atolls in the Phoenix Island Group about 1,800 miles southeast of Hawaii. Canton is a military base, and most of the island’s population is male. We 13 Mormons meet each Sunday in a combined priesthood, Sunday School, and sacrament meeting. We have two Sunday School classes, one in Samoan, and one—which I teach—in English. We make it a point to have a fireside every two weeks in order to stay close to one another and to give ourselves an extra chance to discuss the gospel. We all enjoy the two New Eras that we get on a regular basis. The gospel truly is reaching the isles of the sea.

Norman Taylor
Canton Island
Phoenix Island Group

New York’s my home

I live on the 31st floor of a 32-story apartment building in New York City and attend the Manhattan Ward. I have lived here all my life, and I am sending this photo taken from my balcony to show you just how beautiful New York is.

Keith Woodhouse
New York City, New York
