FYI: For Your Information
November 1972

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, Nov. 1972, 40

For Your Information

[LDS Youth]

What was the status of women in pioneer America? Which factors led to slave trading in the colonies? Did conflict play an important role in early Utah communities?

A research team at BYU is involved with questions such as these as it continues work on a grant from the National Science Foundation. Two hundred seven colleges and universities and non-profit research organizations have received a grant as part of the Foundation’s Research Participation Program. The vast Church genealogy records have been studied to discover the “characteristics and causes behind acceptance of Mormonism and subsequent decision to emigrate,” “women’s status through the years,” and the “effects of date and age of baptisms in the Mormon Church on family sizes.” Involved in the projects are Tim Heaton, Stan Merrill, John Julander, Judd King, LaVon Champion, Debra Hundley, and Diana Nelson. The BYU affiliated group is headed by Dr. Phillip Kunz.

“When you see a man on top of a mountain, just remember he didn’t fall there,” said Elder Paul H. Dunn before a crowd of youth attending the Alabama-Florida Mission conference at Troy State University. His motivating talks made this event “a time to remember” according to Nancy Cattell of Georgia. At least four baptisms resulted immediately and Cathie Henderson of Alabama told how happy she was that her non-Mormon boyfriend had come to conference because now he was going to be baptized. Jimmy Smith was master of ceremonies for a formal banquet and confessed, “Youth conference sets me up for the whole year of school.” “I’ve always wanted to be a mission president, not because of the glory or the challenge of the problems, but because of how great they are with people. I’d like to be like that,” said Nathan Mayhan of Georgia, complimenting President Spencer H. Osborn. Danny Dyer brought laughs when he said, “Youth conference is the only thing that goes faster than a two-year mission.” Linda Tucker of Tallahassee, Florida, commented on the miracle of forgiveness and how great it was to have two brothers along to learn from great leaders. Robert Neal of Birmingham, Alabama, was chief photographer for the event when he wasn’t starring as a tomato bug in the roadshow.

Debbie Hutchings, an American Field Service exchange student for the summer in Istanbul, Turkey, has returned to the states to serve as student body president of Reedley High in California for 1972–73. She follows in the footsteps of her brother, Mike, who was also president there during his high school days. Mike was the youngest man in the nation on Ralph Nader’s research team before his departure for the Mexican North Central Mission.

JoAnne Rock of Santa Clara, California, was recently crowned Miss Citizenship of California 1972 with a trophy noting her scholastic achievements and civic contributions as well as her poise and appearance. She is an active member of the Church and explained, “I have always tried to remember the saying that our life is God’s gift to us and what we do with it is our gift to God, and to live my life accordingly.”

Linda Gail Sirrine of Mesa, Arizona, had a wonderful adventure participating in the Miss America pageant at Atlantic City, New Jersey. She is a Sunday School teacher with a special talent for singing.

Tracy Frandsen of Gunnison, Utah, has been awarded the American Youth Foundation’s Christian Youth Leadership scholarship. He spent two weeks at a conference camp on the shores of Lake Michigan because of his excellence in spiritual, mental, social, and physical fitness. Tracy is an Eagle Scout with a 4.0 GPA and the mainstay of the Class A state championship basketball team.

Brigham Young University officials are finalizing plans on what probably will be the only building in the United States that serves as a law school during the week and as a church on Sundays. The five-story structure will function as headquarters of the newly established J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Law School and as the meeting place for four student branches of the Church. Completion date is set for 1975.

Kirkland Ward, Seattle East Stake youth were inspired to “learn more” about the gospel when two full-time missionaries substituted in teaching Sunday School. A series of missionary firesides were started with the young people bringing their nonmember friends to hear the missionary lessons. The crowds grew, testimonies were strengthened, and the Church has gained many new converts. “I was taught by the youth and converted by the spirit,” said Mary Trimble, a new member, “and it’s great that this ward is this enthusiastic about their religion.” Sunny Schubert said, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every ward would spread the truth this way also? We youth loved it”

The Boston Sunday Herald magazine section recently featured an article, “Growing Up Mormon,” and the double-page spread with three continuing pages suggests that Mormons must be doing something right, because at a time when other churches are dwindling and their youth are bored, 70 percent of the Boston Latter-day Saint youth are involved in a “high-powered program … and practice the church’s strict standards of life.” Donald Clark authored the favorable, illustrated feature. Boston youth have something to live up to.

The Lamanite Generation, a traveling troupe, won accolades from various Indian and non-Indian audiences in the Pacific Northwest and Canada where they entertained. Performing with the forty-member group were featured stars Vickie Bird, current first-alternate Miss Indian America, Carnes Burnson, a Ute Indian who composed “Go, My Son,” the group theme song, and the famous Huang sisters singing group.

Congratulations to Muliufi Francis Hanneman who is the first student of Samoan extraction to be accepted at Harvard. He has won a scholarship and will exchange Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Stake activities for those in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Making a quilt for the Primary Children’s Hospital was a service project for Yellowstone Stake Gleaners. While Gleaners sewed, the M Men gathered old Family Home Evening manuals to send to the Palmyra missionaries.

Looking Like Your Life-Style

Look the part of your life-style—that’s the challenge for students at Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho. This Church college is enjoying an increase in enrollment; with a new President (Dr. Henry Eyring) and new buildings, the studentbody is rising to the occasion. Faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to live the standards and code of honor as explained in a special brochure published this year that states, in part, students should “refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs and will be expected to refrain from dishonesty, stealing, immorality and the violation of civil law.”

The way they look has come under consideration, too. Besides abiding by standards of Christian living taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, students will conform in their dress, hair, and grooming as set down by Church Education. That means that for men beards are not acceptable and mustaches are not encouraged but if worn should be neatly trimmed above the mouth corners. Long or bushy sideburns and hair are not acceptable. The girls should be modest and may wear tasteful pant suits. Dress lengths should be modest.

And in this day and age, it’s happening. Visitors to this campus are impressed.

JoAnne Rock, Miss Citizenship

Linda Gail Sirrine, Miss Arizona

Kirkland Ward youth in Seattle

Muliufi Hanneman, Harvard student

Yellowstone Stake quilters include Verlene Jones, Janice Ostermiller, Linda Farley, and Brenda Hunt (left to right)
