Policies and Procedures
September 1971

“Policies and Procedures,” New Era, Sept. 1971, 18

Policies and Procedures

Observance of the Fast

Questions are often asked about fasting procedures. The latest instructions should clarify some points: “Proper observance of the monthly fast consists of going without food and drink for two consecutive meals, attending the fast and testimony meeting, and making a generous offering to the bishop for the care of those in need. ‘Without drink’ applies to water as well as other liquids. A minimum fast offering is defined as the equivalent of the value of two meals.”

Deseret Club Name Change

“Wherever Deseret Clubs exist on campuses. the name should now be changed to the Student Association of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Such clubs should begin to operate on Student Association principles. Regional Representatives of the Twelve and seminary and institute division coordinators will be able to provide information that will assist in this transition.”

Where Do I Go for Leadership Help?

At this time of year when many personnel changes are made in preparation for the new curriculum year of the Church, many youth are called to offices. Sometimes in our desire to prepare for leadership or to serve, we may want to turn to outside sources for direction. The following instruction is general and notes the order of the Church: “Church members are counseled to look to authorized channels for leadership instruction and helps incident to Church callings.” By this is meant something that all of us should recognize: This is the Lord’s church, and the Lord has special ways of doing things. His ways are not man’s. His methods and procedures are unique to the order and direction of the priesthood. Thus, whenever any of us need instruction and help we turn to the scriptures, to Church handbooks and publications, and, when applicable, to our parents, teachers, and leaders who are called to work with us, as well as seek confirmation through personal prayer.

The Rock Opera Jesus Christ Superstar

“Leaders in the Church should not authorize or permit the use of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar in any Church-sponsored meetings. We regard it as being incompatible with the spirit and doctrine of the Church concerning the divinity of the Savior.

“Church leaders should be careful that other productions of a similar nature not be permitted in any Church-sponsored gatherings.”

Grooming Standards for Church Colleges and Schools

The following are the newly announced grooming standards at Church schools, as approved by the General Authorities. They would seem to have significance for youth Churchwide, regardless of whether you attend a Church school or not.

“Within Church colleges and schools, honor has traditionally been understood as voluntarily living in accordance with the principles and standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the code and rule of expectation for all students in the Church Educational System.

“Acceptance of admission at any Church college or school, therefore, is a voluntary commitment to uphold Church principles and standards, whether on or off campus, during all periods of enrollment.

“Evolving directly and immediately from this commitment is the responsibility for each student to familiarize himself beforehand concerning the principles and standards to which he will be committing himself.

“Grooming should be in keeping with these guidelines, emphasizing cleanliness and avoidance of dress or manner which calls attention to itself and symbolizes either rebellion or nonconformity to the values of modesty, humility, decency and propriety.

“Students at Brigham Young University, Church College of Hawaii, Ricks College, and LDS Business College are expected to support and abide by the following standards of dress and appearance. Continuing registration constitutes an affirmative consent to abide thereby.


“The attire and grooming of both men and women should always be neat and clean.

“Shoes are to be worn in public campus areas.

“Shorts are acceptable wear only in the living and athletic areas.

“So-called ‘grubby attire’ may be worn only in the immediate living areas of residence halls and at informal outdoor activities, but not in dining areas.

“Acceptable attire will be designated for each student-body dance.


“Slacks, polished cottons, or Levi’s with sweaters, sport shirts, ties, sport coats, and blazers all are acceptable men’s wear for attendance at classes.

“Beards are not acceptable. Mustaches are not encouraged, but if worn should be trimmed above the corners of the mouth. Long or bushy sideburns are not acceptable. Hair must be styled so as not to cover the ears and must be above the collar in the back.


“Dresses, sweaters, blouses with skirts, culottes, slacks or modest pant suits, not to include Levi’s, are the only acceptable women’s wear for attendance at classes.

“Women’s hemlines (dresses, skirts, culottes) are to be of modest length.

“Formal wear may be either a long or short formal. It does not include low-cut necklines or strapless gowns.”
