Helps for Presidencies
Evaluate Camp

Evaluate Camp

“That every man may give an account unto me of the stewardship which is appointed unto him” (Doctrine and Covenants 104:12).

As you meet to evaluate camp, you will be guided by the Spirit to improve on and learn from your experiences. Both adult and youth camp leaders should meet together each day and at the conclusion of camp to evaluate the camp activities. The daily evaluations should be short and help improve the quality of the experience.

As you evaluate your camp experience, consider the following questions:

  • Did our activities go as planned? Why or why not?

  • What could have made today better?

  • What worked well?

  • What principles did we teach, and what lessons did the young women learn?

  • Are there any problems that we need to resolve?

  • Did the young women feel the Spirit today? If not, what can we do differently tomorrow?

During your post-camp evaluation meeting, ask these questions and others to determine what went well and how you can improve next year:

  • Did we achieve our goals? Why or why not?

  • How well did we spiritually prepare?

  • How well did we counsel together?

  • What did the young women learn about ministering to each other?

  • How did the youth camp leaders fulfill their responsibilities?

  • How were the young women’s families strengthened?

  • Where and when did the young women feel the Spirit at camp?

  • What can we do to help the young women continue to recognize and follow the Spirit?

  • What has happened in the lives of our young women as a result of camp?

  • What ideas do we have for our next Young Women camp?

girls at camp

Your camp experiences will continue to improve as you keep careful records. These records should include a summary of activities, a report on the budget, transportation and lodging information, menus, the number of participants, photographs, and, if possible, testimonials. These records are a valuable resource for those who plan camp in the following years.

Invite the young women to reflect on their camp experiences. Encourage them to share what they learned with their family and friends. Through youth service and activities, you could continue to add to the skills the young women learned at camp. You could also discuss the doctrines taught at camp in Sunday lessons. If your activities were successful, consider sharing them with others.