Life Help
Single-Parent Families

“Single-Parent Families,” Single-Parent Families (2020)

“Single-Parent Families,” Single-Parent Families

mom and children reading scriptures

Single-Parent Families


“Many Church members find themselves in a variety of [family] circumstances, including in single-parent families. … Regardless of their family situation, all Church members are entitled to receive all the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The structure and fellowship of the Church provide many people who are willing and ready to help parents and children and to strengthen them in the gospel.

“Addressing single parents, President Gordon B. Hinckley said:

“‘This is a lonely duty. But you need not be entirely alone. There are many, ever so many in this Church who would reach out to you with sensitivity and understanding. They do not wish to intrude where they are not wanted. But their interest is genuine and sincere, and they bless their own lives as they bless your lives and those of your children. Welcome their help. They need to give it for their own sakes as well as for your sake’ [“To Single Adults,” Ensign, June 1989, 74]” (Gospel Topics, “Single-Parent Families,”

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