Seminaries and Institutes
John 4: The Woman at the Well

“John 4: The Woman at the Well,” New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2003)

“John 4,” New Testament Student Study Guide

John 4

The Woman at the Well

Jesus and His disciples had been in Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. When it was time to return to Galilee they went through a part of the country called Samaria (see accompanying map). The Samaritans and the Jews were not friendly toward one another. The Jews considered the Samaritans “unclean” (see Bible Dictionary, “Samaritans,” p. 768). Sometimes a Jew would even travel a day or two out of his way to avoid Samaria. As you read John 4, consider what Jesus taught about those traditions, both by what He said and by what He did. Be sure to note the important Joseph Smith Translation changes for this chapter.

map of Galilee

Great Sea (Mediterranean Sea)





Sea of Galilee




Dead Sea


Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study John 4.

  1. A Gradual Conversion

    As you read John 4:5–42 you can learn how one woman came to gain a testimony that Jesus is the Messiah, or Christ.

    1. List what the Samaritan woman called Jesus in verses 9, 11, 15, 19, and 29?

    2. What do you notice about what she called Jesus the more she talked with Him and the more she came to know about Him?

    3. What did she do after she understood who He really was? What was the result? (see especially vv. 28–30, 39–42).

    4. Write about ways your testimony has grown. Include something about why you think it has grown.

  2. Be a Missionary

    What would you say to an investigator who asked you to explain why we teach that God has a physical body when John 4:24 says that “God is a Spirit.” Use at least two scriptures in your response. (You may want to use the Topical Guide for help.)

  3. A Journal Entry

    Imagine you were one of the disciples with Jesus during the events told in John 4. Write what might be part of your journal entry telling what you learned by being with Jesus that day. Include something about what Jesus directly taught in verses 31–38. Also try to include some less obvious lessons.