Getting Started

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Ward Clerk (2020).

“Getting Started,” My Calling as a Ward Clerk.

My Calling as a Ward Clerk

Getting Started

bishop and two men

Welcome to your new calling! You have been called to the work of the Lord as the ward clerk. You will serve closely with the bishopric to help them minister effectively to members of the ward. As you serve, let the Lord’s Spirit guide you in all that you do.

You Are Not Alone

You have been called to minister to the members of your ward, who are beloved sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. As a newly called ward clerk, you will likely feel a range of emotions about your responsibilities. Remember that you are not alone. This calling is a partnership with the Lord. As you seek the Lord’s guidance in serving the members of your ward, He will magnify your efforts at home and in your calling. You will feel His love for you and for the individuals and families you serve.

Where to Start

Before You Are Sustained

  • Seek guidance from the Spirit through prayer, scripture study, fasting, and, if possible, temple attendance.

  • Read about the duties of a ward clerk in General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (, 7.4, 33.4.2, and 34.3.2. Also review chapters 1–4 in the General Handbook (, which summarize the doctrinal foundation of God’s plan and give more guidance.

  • Seek to understand your responsibilities as a ward clerk and the responsibilities of a bishopric so that you can assist with these responsibilities as assigned (see General Handbook, chapter 7).

After You Are Sustained and Set Apart

  • With so many responsibilities, remember that your family is your first priority.

  • Continue to pray for guidance about your service.

  • Counsel with the bishop about your responsibilities and how he would like you to support him.

  • Meet with the outgoing ward clerk to learn about specific tasks in progress you will need to perform.

  • Participate in bishopric meetings. In these meetings, take notes and keep track of assignments. (See “Participate in Bishopric Meetings” under “What Should I Focus On?”)

  • Attend leadership meetings, such as ward council. (See “Participate in Ward Council Meetings” under “What Should I Focus On?”)

  • Regularly attend sacrament meeting, Sunday School, and elders quorum meetings.

  • Access reports and lists on Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) or in the Member Tools mobile app to help you and the bishopric get to know members of the ward and be aware of the ward’s strengths and needs.

  • Participate in training from stake clerks regarding your calling, and in other training as available.

  • To ensure the safety of children and youth, complete the training course found at You are required to renew this training every three years.
