General Conference
Ideas to Prepare

“Ideas to Prepare to Participate in General Conference,” Ideas to Prepare to Participate in General Conference (2020)

“Ideas to Prepare to Participate in General Conference,” Ideas to Prepare to Participate in General Conference

mother and daughter watching general conference

Ideas to Prepare to Participate in General Conference

Every April and October, we have the privilege of hearing messages of inspiration and guidance from Heavenly Father through His Prophet, Apostles, and other Church leaders. General conference is an amazing gift—a gift we should try to reap as many benefits from as we can!

Are you wondering how you can better prepare to “hear Him” during the upcoming general conference? Here are four ideas:

Ask Questions and Look for Answers

We should approach general conference with questions in mind. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught: “Answers to your specific prayers may come directly from a particular talk or from a specific phrase. At other times answers may come in a seemingly unrelated word, phrase, or song. A heart filled with gratitude for the blessings of life and an earnest desire to hear and follow the words of counsel will prepare the way for personal revelation” (“General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing,” Ensign or Liahona, September 2011, 5).

So as you prepare for general conference, think about questions that have been weighing on your mind, write them down, and then listen for answers the Lord will send you through His servants during general conference.

Open Your Heart and Mind and Hear Him

In addition to answering your questions, the Lord may have other things He wants to tell you. Be open to any messages He may have for you. If you pray to Him and genuinely ask for help in hearing and recognizing His voice, He will help you find those messages meant for you during general conference. To develop this relationship and skill, watch how individual Apostles of the Lord “hear Him.”

person writing in journal

Learn More about the Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ

One reason we love general conference so much is that it gives us an opportunity to hear the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ do what they were called to do—bear their testimonies as special witnesses of Him. As you listen to their messages, listen specifically for what they teach about Jesus Christ. See this as an opportunity to deepen your faith in the Savior and His gospel.

If you would like to learn more about these special witnesses of Jesus Christ, there are great resources at the Church’s website. These resources are a great way to learn about Church leaders and deepen your testimony of their special callings.

family watching general conference

Invite Others to Participate in General Conference

Just as He has messages for you, God wants to speak to all of His children. Think of someone you know who would benefit from hearing the Lord’s voice during general conference. There are many ways to invite others to experience general conference:

After Conference

General conference can be a feast of spiritual insights and revelation. To help you remember the spiritual experiences you had, you can write in your journal about what questions you had answered, what talks inspired you, and in what ways you want to improve. You can also share your thoughts with those you love. Think about how conference has brought you closer to Christ and what you will do to continue following Him and the words of His prophets. As President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, taught: “If you trust God enough to listen for His message in every sermon, song, and prayer in this conference, you will find it. And if you then go and do what He would have you do, your power to trust Him will grow, and in time you will be overwhelmed with gratitude to find that He has come to trust you” (“Trust in God, Then Go and Do,” Ensign or Liahona, November 2010, 73).

Here are additional resources to augment your general conference experience:

Check out “Ways to Watch or Listen to General Conference Live” to know how to tune in.
