Previous Editions
For Facilitators

“For Facilitators,” Education for Better Work (2014), 56

“For Facilitators,” Education for Better Work, 56

For Facilitators

The day of the meeting:

  • Text or call all group members. Invite them to arrive 10 minutes early to report on their commitments.

  • Prepare the meeting materials.

  • Get copies of the local PEF pamphlet for each group member from your stake self-reliance center. Bring them to today’s meeting.

  • Bring instructions for making PEF loan payments in your country (available at your stake self-reliance center or online at Make a copy for each group member.

30 minutes before the meeting:

  • Set chairs around a table so everyone can be close.

  • Draw this commitment chart on the board.

    Group member name

    Worked with family to list income and expenses (Yes/No)

    Recorded education costs; studied finance options (Yes/No)

    Prepared finance plan presentation (Yes/No)

    Practiced Foundation principle and taught it to family (Yes/No)

    Added to savings (Yes/No)

    Reported to action partner (Yes/No)








10 minutes before the meeting:

  • Greet people warmly as they arrive.

  • As group members arrive, ask them to complete the commitment chart on the board.

  • Assign a timekeeper.

At starting time:

  • Ask people to turn off their phones and other devices.

  • Have an opening prayer (and hymn, if desired).

  • Quietly ask those who arrive late to turn off their phones and to complete the commitment chart while the group continues the discussion.

  • Set the timer to 20 minutes for My Foundation.

  • Complete principle 4 in My Foundation. Then return to this workbook and continue reading on the next page.
